Wednesday, January 4, 2017

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18 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2015101003 City of Los Angeles Spring Street Hotel
2017018024 California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) Bakersfield Cactus Restoration Project
2017012007 Marin Municipal Water District Draft Biodiversity, Fire, and Fuels Integrated Plan
2017012010 Marin County Vogel Land Division
2015061097 Merced Irrigation District Lower Merced River Boat Access Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0004-R4)
2017018021 San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency Agreement with the California Department of Water Resources State Water Project Analysis Office
2017018022 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Sand Traps/Pullouts Project
2017018025 California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) Clarkia Franciscana Genetics Study
2017012008 University of California, Davis UC Davis 2017 Long Range Development Plan
2017011003 City of Seal Beach LA Fitness Health Club
2017018019 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2016 LSA OC-Sediment and Vegetation Removal
2017012006 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1): Removal Action Workplan - Remediation of Areas of Concern (AOCs), AOC 046, AOC 049, and AOC 073
2017018023 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fort Ross Well Stabilization
2017012009 Yuba City Bogue Stewart Master Plan
2013111050 Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) CV Link Draft Environmental Impact Report
2017018018 City of Riverside Construction of the Jackson Street Recycled Water Pipeline Project, Phases I and II
2017011002 City of Newport Beach The Koll Center Residences (PA2015-024)
2017018026 California Department of Parks and Recreation Retaining Wall on Mdiway Vincent M62-T4