Tuesday, May 12, 2015
- Received Date
- 2015-05-12
- Edit Search
27 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2015058095 | NOE | City of Angels Camp | Angels Camp 2014-2019 Housing Element | |
2015058098 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | South Fork American River Bridge Replacement Project | |
2015052037 | NOP | City of Corning | 2014-2034 Corning General Plan | |
2015058099 | NOE | Curtis Creek School District | Curtis Creek Water Supply Project | |
2015059008 | NOD | El Dorado County | Salmon Falls Ranch Recreational Trailhead and Trail System | |
2015058104 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Cost and Energy Efficient Attic Designs for CA Homes | |
2015058088 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0019-R1, Maintain Existing Water Diversion/Hydro-Power Generation; Unnamed Tributaries to Cold Creek | |
2015059010 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0024-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-15-006HUM | |
2015059009 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2014-0326-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-14-123HUM | |
2012082014 | NOD | Humboldt County | Arcata 1122 12 kV Distribution Line Replacement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0074-R1) | |
2012011029 | NOD | Kern County | Springbok I Solar Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2015-007-04 (ITP)) | |
2015051031 | MND | Padre Dam Municipal Water District | Eastern Service Area Secondary Connection Project | |
2015058101 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Placement of a California Historic Landmark Plaque and Interpretive Display | |
2015058096 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Winery Ruins - Prevent Further Deterioration to Walls | |
2015058091 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Vehicle Gate Installation | |
2015058093 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Bootjack Campground Fire Ring Project | |
2015058100 | NOE | Pioneer Union School District | Mountain Creek Middle School Water Storage Project | |
2015058092 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | NG2015-04 NextG / Huntington Beach Distributed Antenna System Project | |
2015058090 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 7 (Colorado River Basin), Palm Desert | Southern Gas Company (SCG) Desert Region Operation and Maintenance Activities | |
2015051030 | MND | City of Ridgecrest | Ridgecrest Commercial Specific Plan Offsite Improvements Project | |
2015031041 | NOD | Riverdale Public Utility District | Riverdale Main Sewer Lift Station Replacement | |
2015052036 | MND | City of San Jose | Lands of Mazzone, Planned Development Rezoning File Number PDC13-028 | |
2015058097 | NOE | Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) | CIP #6012 - Effluent Outfall Force Main Replacement (Portion) | |
2008122007 | FIN | Sonoma County | Sonoma County Compost Facility | |
2015058094 | NOE | Sultana Community Services District | Sultana Safe Drinking Water Feasiblity Study Project | |
2015058089 | NOE | City of Truckee | 2015 Slurry Seal Project | |
2015051047 | MND | Watershed Conservation Authority | Walnut Creek Habitat and Open Space |