Wednesday, October 16, 2013

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42 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013108195 City of Elk Grove Wal-Mart Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity EG-13-051
2013108175 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0260-R1, Tawndale Lane Ditch Cleaning Project
2013108198 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
2013108192 City of Elk Grove Madeira East Boundary Line Adjustment EG-13-038
2013108178 California Department of Parks and Recreation Invasive Plant Removal
2006062071 Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Addendum 5 to the Environmental Impact Report for the Feather River Levee Repair Project
2013101047 City of Los Angeles ENV-2013-2237-MND / 15281 W. De Pauw Street
2013101050 City of Paso Robles Paso Robles Gateway
2013108186 Santa Barbara County Implementing the Joint Effort - A Prop 84 Grant Project
2013108173 City of Stanton Precise Plan of Developmenb PPD-763 and Tentative Tract Map TM13-01
2013108190 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Parking Lot Resurfacing and ADA Accessibility Upgrades, Richmond Laboratory Complex
2011052062 Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA) Feather River West Levee Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP) No. 2081-2013-054-02).
2013081077 City of Adelanto 2008-2014 Housing Element, Zone Changes 13-03 A, B, C and General Plan Amendments 13-03 A, B, C
2013102027 Stanislaus County Empire Storm Drain Project
2013108193 City of Elk Grove Soares Parcel Map -EG-13-027 (2nd Ordinance Reading)
2006042175 City of Davis Davis Woodland Water Supply Project (DWWSP) Alternative Intake/Diversion and Water Pipeline SEIR
2013108181 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ivy Removal
2013108204 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Ronald Eck
2012072042 Nevada Irrigation District Los Lomas Improvement Club Boat Ramp Launch Facility Repair Project
2013101048 City of Los Angeles ENV-2013-2239-MND / 15275 W. De Pauw Street
2013108184 Stanislaus County Stanislaus County Public Safety Center (PSC) - REACT Centerr (SB 1022)
2013108201 Central Valley Flood Protection Board James Bremner
2013101046 City of Fresno Fulton Mall Reconstruction Project
2013108182 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Ferguson Slide Permanent Restoration Project-Mitigation Land Purchase
2013108185 Paradise Irrigation District Reservoir "B" Replacement (CDPH Project No. 0410007-001)
2013101049 City of Los Angeles ENV-2013-1427-MND / 305 E. Rose Avenue
2013108179 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Tehama Wildlife Area Grazing Program
2013108202 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Madera County Resource Management Agency
2013108196 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Bolvir Kaur
2013108176 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0240-R1, Fern Cottage NRCS Road REstoration Project
2013108199 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Lawrence and Katherine Wright
2013108180 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0189-R1, Moving Aggraded Sediments at Antelope Creek
2013108203 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Vincent Jensen
2013108183 San Joaquin County Stillman L. Magee Park Camping
2013041067 City of Los Angeles ENV-2012-1111-MND / 11965-11979 1/4 W. Montana Avenue
2013108177 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0193-R1, Bond Temporary Crossing Project
2013108200 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Zaboski Orchards
2013108194 City of Elk Grove Allen Ranch (Parkgate)--Minor Design Review--EG 13-044
2013108174 City of Calabasas Citywide Smart Irrigation Controller System
2013108197 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Wendy Holmquist
2011122047 Fish & Game #2 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0280-R1 South Fork Noyo River Instream Habitat Enhancement Project
2012122042 Fish & Game #2 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0289-R1 Lower Mattole Coho Salmon Habitat Enhancement Project