Wednesday, April 7, 2010
- Received Date
- 2010-04-07
- Edit Search
25 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2008092062 | EIR | Butte County | Butte County General Plan 2030 and Associated Override of the Butte City, Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan | |
2010042025 | NEG | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Willow Creek Maintenance Station (EA 46330) | |
2010048051 | NOE | California Department of Employment Development (EDD) | Unemployment Insurance | |
2010048045 | NOE | City of Fort Bragg | Various Wastewater Treatment Projects | |
2010048043 | NOE | City of Fort Bragg | Waterfall Gulch Raw Water Line Replacement | |
2010048044 | NOE | City of Fort Bragg | Silt Removal at Waterfall Gulch Intake | |
2010042022 | NEG | Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) | WITHDRAWN - Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District 2010 Water Transfer to San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority | |
2010041020 | NEG | King City | Mustang Court General Plan | |
2010042024 | MND | Mendocino County | Feliz Creek Bridge Replacement, BR #10C-0134 | |
2010041019 | MND | Merced Irrigation District | Cressey Recharge Basin | |
2010048047 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | F.E. Weymouth Treatment Plant Dry Polymer System Upgrade, Preliminary Design | |
2010044004 | EA | National Park Service | Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Safety Installation and Crystal Creek Quarry Site Reclamation | |
2010048048 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Upgrade Empire Adit Electrical | |
2010048049 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Iron Ranger and Sign Installation | |
2010048046 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Restroom Installation at Cal Pals Training Area | |
2010048050 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Museum Trail and Eureka Tunnel Trail Connector and Sign Installation | |
2010048053 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Fuel Modification - Fire Clearance Project | |
2010048052 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Resource Shed | |
2010042023 | MND | City of Redding | Seven Bridges Subdivision Project: Tentative Subdivision Map Application S-3-09; Rezoning Application RZ-2-09, and Planned Development Plan Application PD-1-09 | |
2008061099 | EIR | City of San Clemente | North Beach Project | |
2010042021 | NEG | South San Joaquin Irrigation District | South San Joaquin and Oakdale Irrigation Districts' One Year Water Transfer to San Luis & Delta Mendota Water | |
2009022019 | NOD | Stockton Unified School District | Franklin High School Reconstruction and Modernization Project | |
2010044005 | JD | United States Marine Corp | CERS for Establishing the Las Pulgas and San Onofre Landfill Facilitiy Boundaries | |
2010042026 | MND | Yuba County | 2009-0007 Beale AFB Access Project (Smartville Road) | |
2010042020 | MND | Fish & Game #1E | Master Agreement for Timber Operations and Road Management WDR for Green Diamond Resource Co. |