Monday, May 18, 2009
- Received Date
- 2009-05-18
- Edit Search
61 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2009051081 | NEG | City of Buellton | Housing Element Update | |
2009052065 | MND | City of Burlingame | 2009-2014 Housing Element - General Plan Amendment to Update the Housing Element | |
2009042018 | FIN | California State Lands Commission | PG&E Pease-Marysville 60kV Transmission Line | |
2009058065 | NOE | California State University, Chico | Removal of University Center (building) | |
2009058066 | NOE | California State University, Chico | Modular Buildings at the Farm | |
2009058064 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | Pine Grove Emergency Embankment Repair | |
2009058074 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Widen and Pave Roadway Shoulders | |
2009051086 | JD | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | State Route 2 Freeway Terminus Improvement Project | |
2009058076 | NOE | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | Bremner Wind Turbine | |
2009058055 | NOE | City of Elk Grove | Stimulus Overlay Project | |
2009058047 | NOE | Evergreen School District | Holly Oak 5 New Portables | |
2009059010 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Goggins Timber Harvesting Plan | |
2008102001 | NOD | City of Galt | City of Galt Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Pipeline Project | |
2009051085 | MND | City of Hollister | General Plan Amendment 2009-2 (Housing Element Update and Amendments Re: Geologic and Flood Hazards) | |
2009041030 | NOD | Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District | McKay Point Reconstruction Project, Kaweah River (Tulare County, California) | |
2009041033 | NOD | City of Lompoc | Signorelli Demolition | |
2009051083 | MND | Los Angeles County | Conditional Use Permit R2008-00798-(5) | |
2009051084 | MND | Mariposa County | Major Subdivision No. 2008-151, Ponderosa Estates | |
2008092082 | FIN | City of Milpitas | McCarthy Ranch Mixed Use Project | |
2009048312 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Installation of a new 4" Conduit to Replace Exisitng Direct Buried Telephone Cable | |
2008102056 | NOD | Placer County | Placer County Housing Element Update (PGPA T20080279) | |
2005092041 | NOD | Placer County | Riolo Vineyards Specific Plan EIR | |
2009058056 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Platz Deep Well Replacement Project | |
2009058053 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | NextG Bellflower/Downey Distributed Antenna System (DAS) project | |
2009058054 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | NextG Arcadia Distributed Antenna System (DAS) project | |
2009058043 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Alderpoint Road P.M. 42.1 Culvert Replacement | |
2009058044 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Mendocino Pass Road, P.M. 2.74, '05-06 Strom Damage Repair | |
2009058042 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento | Building 1200 Perimeter Drainage Repair - Beale AFB | |
2009051082 | MND | San Benito County | Zone Change No. 06-148; General Plan Amendment No. 09-40 & M-District Review #82-06 | |
2009052061 | NEG | San Joaquin County | Acampo Arbor Mobile Home Park Condominiums | |
2009052062 | MND | City of Santa Rosa | Homestead Lane Subdivision | |
2009051080 | NEG | City of Solvang | City of Solvang General Plan Housing Element Update 2008-2014 | |
2009052064 | CON | Stanislaus County | General Plan Amendment Application No. 2009-01 and Rezone Application No. 2009-02 - Derrel's Mini Storage | |
2009052060 | MND | Stanislaus County | Community Plan Amendment Application No. 2009-01, Rezone Application No. 2009-01 - Pelandale Commercial | |
2009058068 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of Coverage to Placer County APN 98-163-15 (Alexander) | |
2009058067 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of One Residential Development Right to El Dorado County APN 28-042-01 (Brosnan) | |
2009058063 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of coverage to Placer County Assesor Parcel Number 90-115-57 (Smith Corp.) | |
2009058062 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of coverage to Placer County APN 98-163-14 (Quinn) | |
2009058070 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | ARE-35 Variance from Manifest Requirements | |
2009058073 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | ARE-37 Variance from Manifest Requirements | |
2009058069 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | ARE-36 Variance from Manifest Requirements | |
2009058072 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | ARE-19 Variance from Manifest Requirements | |
2009058071 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | ARE-15 Variance from Manifest Requirements | |
2009058057 | NOE | Tuolumne County | Design Review Permit DR09-025 | |
2009058075 | NOE | Twin Rivers Unified School District | Demolition, Removal & Relocation of District Owned Existing Relocatable Structures to Other District Owned Sites | |
2009058050 | NOE | Twin Rivers Unified School District | Demolition, Removal & Relocation of District Owned Existing Relocatable Structures to Other District Owned Sites | |
2009022062 | NOD | University of California | Porter College Phase 2 -- House a Seismic, Capital Renewal and Expansion Project | |
2009031101 | NOD | Upper Salinas - Las Tablas Resource Conservation District (RCD) | San Luis Obispo County Partners in Restoration (PIR) Permit Coordination Program | |
2009052066 | MND | City of Vacaville | New Life Church | |
2006111074 | NOD | Ventura County | Old Creek Road Bridge Crossing Improvement Project | |
2009052063 | MND | Yuba County | Yuba County Housing Element Update | |
2009058045 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Canyon Creek Road Project, SAA 1600-2009-0080-R2 | |
2009058051 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Barajas Bridge Project SAA #1600-2008-0266-R2 | |
2009058052 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | LA Voie Property Rip Rap Repair, Lake Almanor (1600-2008-0142-R2) | |
2009058046 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Pezzullo Property Rip Rap Repair, Lake Almanor (1600-2009-0035-R2) | |
2009058049 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Plummer Diversion | |
2009058048 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement No. 2009-0029-R4; Brizzolara Creek Box Culvert Maintenance Project | |
2009058060 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Los Banos Wildlife Area Field 56 A&B Wetland and Riparian | |
2009058061 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | North Baja Pipeline | |
2009058059 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Volta Wildlife Area Westside Ditch; Pump and Water Conveyance Rehabilitation | |
2009058058 | NOE | Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board | Los Banos Wildlife Area Mud Slough Bypass Water Control Structure Replacement |