Thursday, November 6, 2008

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41 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008118042 City of Adelanto Tentative Tract Map 17006 Renewal
2008081075 City of Adelanto Filing Notice of Determination in compliance with Dection 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code
2005061092 City of Bakersfield Cancellation of Land Use Restrictions, Land Conservation Act, Agricultural Preserve No. 10 (Zoning Map No. 142)
2008101016 City of Bellflower Negative Declaration No. 08-08 for Conditional Use Permit Case No. CU 08-09 and Variance Case No. V 08-01
2008092068 California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Draft Mitigated Declaration for Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest Management Plan Update
2008118039 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Passing Lane Extension Project
2008062061 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Highway 1 Union Landing Viaduct Storm Damage Permanent Restoration Project
2008062061 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Highway 1 Union Landing Viaduct Storm Damage Permanent Restoration Project
2008112014 Colusa County 2008-2009 Colusa County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update
2008111026 City of Covina Initial Study & Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for Aurora Charter Oak Hospital Expansion
2008112010 El Dorado County S07-0022/Seventh Day Adventist Church of Placerville
2008111028 City of Encinitas Lone Jack Road/Stratford Knoll Drainage Improvement Project
2008112015 California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) Stockton Station 85 Potable Water Transmission Pipeline Project
2008111024 City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach Downtown Specific Plan Update
2007072013 Lake County Cristallago
2005101135 City of Merced Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Upgrade and Expansion (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-4682-110
2008111031 City of Oceanside San Luis Rey River Trail Extension Project 598.845603
2008111020 Orange County Santiago Canyon Road Storm Drain Repair Project
2008111019 Orange County Laguna Canyon Road Stockpiles Removal Project
1999041035 Orange County Addendum No. 2 to Final EIR 575
2008111025 Orange County Landfill Gas Renewable Energy Project at FRB Landfill
2008118037 California Department of Parks and Recreation Crystal Cove SP -- Lift stations Improvements (ER #8471)
2008092030 City of Patterson Old Town Water Master Plan, Water Pipe Rehabilitation Project, Sewer Pipe Rehabilitation Project,, and Ward Avenue Sanitary Sewer System Gateway Redirection
2008111027 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 General Waste Discharge Requirements for Existing Dairy Operations within the San Diego Region
1995111003 San Diego County Lake Rancho Viejo Deletion of RV Parking; SPA 07-001; P81-023W5; ER80-02-135E
2008111023 San Diego County Linea del Cielo Boundary Adjustment
2008111022 City of San Diego Dix Residence
2002072046 City of Santa Rosa North Coast Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant; Sonoma County Water Recycling and Habitat Preservation Program Project (Component
2005062049 State Water Resources Control Board State Water Resources Control Board's On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Regulations
2008112011 Sutter County Project #08-005 (Custom Slaughterhouse)
2007122092 City of Truckee Truckee Railyard Draft Master Plan Project
2008112012 Tuolumne County Pluim Site Development Permit SDP08-001
2008112013 Tuolumne County Shield Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 04T-060(1)
2008111021 City of Twentynine Palms PC 08-77 (Amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan)
2008041009 University of California, Merced University of California (UC) Merced and University Community Plan, UC Merced Phase 2 Campus
2008118040 City of Waterford 2008-9 Tuolumne River Parkland Acquisition
2008111030 City of West Hollywood Sunset Plaza Expansion Project
2008111029 City of West Hollywood 8497-8499 Sunset Boulevard Mixed Use Project
2008118038 William S. Hart Union High School District Placerita Junior High School - Modernization
2008112024 Yolo County Grasslands Regional Park Master Plan
2008118041 Fish & Game #3 California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Stste Route 1 Culvert Replacement on unnamed Drainage at Post Mile 34.49