SCH Number 2008041009

Project Info

University of California (UC) Merced and University Community Plan, UC Merced Phase 2 Campus
Project consists of a boundary change for the Merced 2020 Project site to include the approx. 4.84 acre P3 construction staging and parking area located northeast of the North Bowl parking lot, and exclude a triangular area located between Le Grand Canal and Fairfield Canal and a second triangular located to the east of Fairfield Canal. The project results in a decrease in total site area from 153.4 to 143.7 acres. The boundary change encompasses the alignment of a proposed roadway that would be constructed from the 2020 project site east of the Fairfield Canal to the P3 area. This road will be paved and used to access the P3 area during 2020 project construction, and remain in place as part of the final 2020 Project. The project also relocates portions of a previously installed CA Tier Salamander exclusion fence to align with the modified 2020 Project site boundary. The Project will install the new segment of the CTS fence prior to removing the affected segment of the CTS fence.
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25 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Regents of the University of California University of California, Merced Campus and Community North Project California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP) No. 2081-2009-010-04) Major A
10th District Agricultural Association, Siskiyou Golden Fair (10th DAA) University of California, Merced - Little Lake and Lower Pond Grading Project (Lake Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0180-R4)
University of California, Merced University of California, Merced 2020 Project Site Boundary Change
University of California, Merced Power Purchase and Site License Agreement for North Bowl Parking, Corp. Yard & Housing 4 Photovoltaics Project
University of California, Merced University of California, Merced - Little Lake and Lower Pond Grading Project (Lake Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0213-R4)
University of California, Merced Merced 2020 Project Agreements
University of California, Merced Merced 2020 Project - LRDP Amendment and Design Approval
University of California, Merced University of California, Merced Campus and Community North Project (Project) (Major Amendment No. 2 to California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit
University of California, Merced UC, Merced Campus and Community North Project (Project) (Major Amendment No. 2 to California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP) No. 2081-2009-0
University of California, Merced Central Plant/Telecommunications Reliability Upgrade Project
University of California, Merced Classroom and Academic Office Building
University of California, Merced Classroom and Academic Office Building
University of California, Merced Site Development & Infrastructure Phase 4
University of California, Merced Student Services Building
University of California, Merced UC, Merced and Comm. North Project (Major Amendment No. 1 to CA Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2009-010-04 (ITP))
University of California, Merced Recreation Center North
University of California, Merced University of CA, Merced Campus and Community North Project (CA Endangered Species Act Incidient Take Permit No. 2081-2009-010-04 (ITP))
University of California, Merced Site Development & Infrastructure Phase 4
University of California, Merced Site Development & Infrastructure Phase 6
University of California, Merced North Bowl Parking Lot Phase 1 Project
University of California, Merced Housing 4: The Summits Project
University of California, Merced UC Merced 2009 Long Range Development Plan
University of California, Merced UC Merced 2009 Long Range Development Plan
University of California, Merced University of California (UC) Merced and University Community Plan, UC Merced Phase 2 Campus
University of California, Merced University of California (UC) Merced and University Community Plan, UC Merced Phase 2 Campus