Tuesday, August 12, 2008
- Received Date
- 2008-08-12
- Edit Search
31 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2008081034 | MND | 22nd District Agricultural Association, Del Mar Fairgrounds (22nd DAA) | Sewer Forcemain Replacement Project | |
2007111111 | EIR | City of Buena Park | Beach and Orangethorpe Mixed-Use Specific Plan | |
2008041100 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | Southbound Interstate 405 to the Westbound U.S. Highway-101 Connector Improvement Project | |
2006048111 | NOE | Darwin Community Services District | Domestic Water Filtration and Treatment System; Storage Tank | |
2008088128 | NOE | City of Dinuba | Application No. 2008-21, Conditional Use Permit, APN 031-352-011 | |
2008082051 | MND | El Dorado County | Z06-0040/P06-0043/Marcyan Rezone and Parcel Map | |
2008081036 | MND | City of El Segundo | Aloft Hotel EA 773/CUP 07-07, 101 Continental Boulevard | |
2006051022 | EIR | City of Encinitas | Ocean View Estates | |
2008062009 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | La Tour Demonstration State Forest Management Plan Update | |
2008089012 | NOD | Town of Hillsborough | 3000, 3030, and 3050 Ralston Avenue Residential Project | |
2008088129 | NOE | California Department of Industrial Relations | Lease of office space in new multi-tenant building | |
2007032084 | NOD | California Department of Health Care Services, Mental Health Services Division (MHSD, DHCS) | New Main Kitchen and Remodel Existing Satellite Serving Kitchens and Dining Rooms | |
2008088127 | NOE | Merced Community College District | Sale of Highway 152 Parcel | |
2008088131 | NOE | Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority | Ballona Creek Bike Trail and Bike Path Enhancement | |
2008088139 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Resource Surveys and ROE, Chino Hills SP (08/09-IE-1) | |
2008088138 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | ADA Improvements Project | |
2008088126 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Anaheim City Unified School District Network | |
2008082053 | MND | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Waste Discharge Requirements for Surfactant Flushing of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater | |
2008081035 | JD | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 3 (Central Coast), San Luis Obispo | San Antonio Creek Restoration | |
2008088130 | NOE | The Resources Agency | Putah Creek Trail and Riparian Enhancements | |
2008081033 | NOP | Riverside County | Birtcher Center at Canal Street | |
2008088133 | NOE | Riverside County | Wildomar Sports Park Site Acquisition | |
2008082050 | MND | City and County of San Francisco | Bay Division Pipelines 3 and 4 Crossover Facilities Project | |
2008088134 | NOE | San Joaquin County | Five Mile Slough Erosion Repair Project | |
2008082052 | NOP | City of San Leandro | Kaiser Permanente San Leandro Medical Center/Marina Point Mixed-Use Development Project | |
1996124006 | SIS | United States, Navy | Developing Homeport Facilities for Three Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carriers in Support of U.S. Pacific Fleet | |
2008088135 | NOE | University of California, Davis | A/C 9556900 Radiology Research Remodel | |
2008062085 | NOD | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Bidwell Canyon Stage 3 Boat Ramp Improvement Project | |
2008088137 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Exhange of State Water Project Table A water between Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Kern County Water Agency | |
2008088136 | NOE | Western Placer Waste Management Authority | Temporary Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event - Auburn | |
2008088132 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | ONCORE/Veritek Flood Control Channel Maintenance |