Friday, March 2, 2007
- Received Date
- 2007-03-02
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45 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2007032009 | NOP | Alpine County | Bear Valley Village | |
2006021059 | FIN | City of Corcoran | City of Corcoran General Plan | |
2007011071 | NOD | Cutler Public Utility District | Water System Rehabilitation | |
2007038020 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0026, Stony Creek | |
2007012107 | NOD | Fremont Unified School District | Fremont Unified School District M.V.R.O.P. Campus at Kennedy High School | |
2006092081 | NOP | Georgetown Divide Public Utilities District | Greenwood Lake Water Treatment Plant and Treated Water Transmission Line | |
2007032011 | NEG | Humboldt County | Tilch Coastal Development Permit Modification and Special Permit Modification (CDP-04-23M/SP-04-25M) | |
2006122044 | NOD | Humboldt County | Starr Minor Subdivision, Coastal Development, Conditional Use and Special Permit | |
2007031004 | MND | Kern County | GPA #6, ZCC #13, Map 103-18 Herb Family Enterprises by B&L Anderson Consulting | |
2007031014 | MND | City of Lancaster | Tentative Tract Map 63137 | |
2007031015 | MND | City of Lompoc | Lompoc Theater Project | |
2003011110 | NOD | Los Angeles Community College District | Los Angeles Valley College Facilities Master Plan | |
2005092102 | FIN | City of Manteca | Promenade Shops at Orchard Valley | |
2007038019 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Periodic Shutdown and Maintenance of San Diego Pipeline No. 5 and Red Mountain Power Plant | |
2007031016 | NEG | Monterey County | Thorne Road Bridge Replacement Project | |
2007032014 | NEG | City of Morgan Hill | Mallorca Drainage Improvement Project | |
2007032013 | NEG | Napa County | Robert Foley Vineyards Winery, (P06-01181-UP) | |
2007038021 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Restore Historic Jack London Lake | |
2007038025 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Locke Boarding Horse Rehabilitation, Locke Boarding House Property | |
2007038024 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | ATM Installation in B.F. Hastings Building | |
2007038026 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repairs to East End Drip System, Lake Perris (06/07-1E-25) | |
2003061157 | NOD | Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority | Gold Line Phase II Extension (Pasadena to Montclair) | |
2005052061 | EIR | City of Petaluma | East Washington Place | |
2006062001 | NOD | Placer County | Barton Road Bridge Replacement | |
2005061161 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Project | |
2007032016 | NEG | City of Redding | Use Permit Applications UP-4-03 and UP-7-04, Los Robles Estates, Phase II, by Gary Larsen, RMP, LLC | |
2007038022 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Heiser Project | |
2005062092 | NOD | City of Roseville | Aquifer Storage and Recovery Demonstration Test Phase 2 | |
2007032010 | NEG | Sacramento County | 12615 McKenzie Road Grading Permit | |
2006072077 | EIR | City of Sacramento | Township 9 Project (formerly Capitol Station 65) | |
2007031017 | MND | City of Salinas | "Los Laureles" 53-Unit Senior Housing Project at 11 Hill Circle (CUP 03-06 and PUD 06-04) | |
2007039037 | NOD | San Diego County | Roadrunner Springs Tentative Parcel Map Time Extension TPM 20730TE/ER 99-05-001C | |
1985122502 | NOD | San Diego County | Road Runner Spring Tentative Parcel Map, TPM 20730, Log No. 99-05-001B | |
2006081097 | NOD | San Diego County | Amendments to the County of San Diego Subdivision Ordinance and Resource Protection Ordinance; POD 05-033/ER 06-010-01 | |
2007031013 | NEG | San Diego County Air Pollution Control District | Proposed Adoption of Rule 67.6.1 (Cold Solvent Cleaning and Stripping Operations) and Rule 67.6.2 (Vapor Degreasing Operations) and Repeal of Rule 67.6 (Solvent | |
2006021100 | EIR | San Luis Obispo County | Affordable Housing Ordinances | |
2007031012 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Munch Conditional Use Permit DRC2005-00012 ED06-153 | |
2007032015 | NEG | Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) | Adoption of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Santa Clara County's Agricultural Mitigation Policies | |
2007031019 | NOP | City of Santa Monica | 2002 21st Street Condominiums Project | |
2006111064 | EIR | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Amended Rule 317 - Clean Air Act Non-Attainment Fees and Replacement of 2007 AQMP Control Measure #2007 MCS-08 (Clean Air Act Emission Fees for Major Stationary | |
2007038023 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Application 31110 | |
2006112140 | FIN | City of Stockton | El Dorado Street Widening Project | |
2007032012 | NEG | Tehama County | Parcel Map #07-02, J.D. Dominick & Brook Tindall | |
2007031020 | NEG | University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA Spieker Aquatic Center | |
2007031018 | MND | City of Victorville | Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit & Parcel Map PLN07-00002 |