Wednesday, December 20, 2006
- Received Date
- 2006-12-20
- Edit Search
34 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2004081146 | NOD | City of Blythe | Wal-Mart Supercenter Located in the City of Blythe, California | |
2006102120 | NOD | City of Brisbane | Tentative Parcel Map TPM-1-97, Habitat Conservation Plan Compliance HCP-1-06 | |
2006122076 | NEG | Butte Water District | Conjunctive Water Management Program for the Butte Water District | |
2006128166 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | Withdrawn Per Lead - Hilton Creek Culvert Enhancement | |
2005122137 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Bird Road Interchange | |
2006121082 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | 06-KER-14 KP 73.9/100.2 (PM 45.9/62.3) Freeman Gulch Four-Lane Project | |
2006122072 | NEG | City of Dublin | Iron Horse Trail/Scarlett Drive Improvements Project | |
2006122074 | NEG | City of Fremont | Expanded Service of Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off (HHWD) Facility at Fremont Transfer Station | |
2006121084 | NEG | Imperial Irrigation District | New Jackson Substation Project | |
2006071038 | NOD | Jamul Indian Village | Jamul Indian Village Casino Development Project | |
2004031137 | NOD | Madera Unified School District | New Southeast Madera Elementary School Project | |
2006012041 | FIN | City of Mammoth Lakes | Eagle Lodge Base Development Project | |
2005111053 | NOD | Merced City School District | Paulsen Elementary School | |
2006021054 | FIN | Monterey County | 2006 Monterey County General Plan | |
2003011112 | NOD | Orange County | Peters Canyon Regional Park Drainage Restoration Project | |
2002121105 | EIR | Orange County | Alton Parkway Extension Project | |
2006101008 | NOD | Palmdale Water District | Palmdale Ditch Enclosure | |
2006129007 | NOD | City of Palmdale | Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 61941 | |
2006128171 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Silverwood Rio Group Camp Combination Building (7598) | |
2006011040 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Rodeo Grounds Berm Removal and Restoration Project | |
2006041060 | EIR | City of Perris | Perris Ridge Commerce Center I | |
2006122073 | MND | City of Pinole | Pinole Valley Shopping Center Redevelopment | |
2006128167 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | California Water Service Company, Visalia Station 32, GAC Treatment Vessel | |
2006128168 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | New Visalia Well 92-01 (existing), and Installation of Small Appurtenances | |
2006128180 | NOE | City of Richmond | Temporary Relocation of Police Department Facility | |
2001062035 | FIN | Sacramento County | Metro Air Parkway / I-5 Interchange | |
2003121146 | EIR | San Diego County | Casa de Amparo Major Use Permit; P03-004, Log No. 03-08-011 | |
2006121081 | MND | San Diego County | Pauma Heights Ranch; TPM 20848RPL, Log No. 04-03-003 | |
2006122070 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-0500857 | |
2006128169 | NOE | City of Shasta Lake | Shasta Dam Boulevard Improvement Project | |
2006102043 | NOD | Siskiyou County | Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | |
2006121083 | NEG | Tustin Unified School District | Tustin-Orchard Hills K-8 School Project | |
2006101176 | NOD | Ventura County Watershed Protection District | Happy Camp Canyon Channel Improvement Project | |
2006129006 | NOD | City of Weed | Belcastro Subdivision |