Monday, June 26, 2006
- Received Date
- 2006-06-26
- Edit Search
48 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2006068272 | NOE | City of Adelanto | Conditional Use Permit 06-02 | |
2006031111 | NOD | City of Agoura Hills | Center Court Plaza | |
2006062130 | NEG | City of Brentwood | The Streets of Brentwood | |
2006062127 | NEG | Calaveras County | 2005-134 Zoning Amendment & Tentative Parcel Map for Mike & Judith Spadoni | |
2006062128 | NEG | Calaveras County | 2005-170 Tentative Parcel Map for John & Diane Chamberlin | |
2006042103 | NOD | Calaveras County | General Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment (2004-193) | |
2001079061 | NOD | City of Concord | Kunz Minor Subdivision | |
2003102107 | NOD | Contra Costa County | SD018533 | |
2006062123 | NEG | Del Norte County | Redwoods Family Worship- Use Permit- UP0641C | |
2006062125 | NEG | Del Norte County | Harvey and Shari Smithson - MS0636C - Minor Subdivision | |
2005101002 | NOD | East Niles Community Services District | East Niles Community Service District Annexation | |
2006061129 | NOP | Glendale Redevelopment Agency | Wilson / Orange Mixed Use Project | |
2006062126 | MND | Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) | Salmon Creek Ranch Restoration Program | |
2006062129 | MND | Humboldt County | Reduction of Wetland Setbacks for Timber Removal and Road Construction | |
2006069015 | NOD | Inland Empire Utilities Agency | Regional Plant No. 4 - Compost Storage Facility | |
2005091117 | FIN | Kern County | Antelope Valley Water Bank Project by Western Development and Storage, LLC | |
2006031005 | NOD | City of Lake Elsinore | Tuscany West (Tentative Tract No. 25473, Revision No. 1) | |
2003041187 | NOD | Los Angeles County | San Gabriel River Master Plan | |
2006061126 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2005-8857-MND | |
2005072095 | NOD | City of Menlo Park | Sand Hill Road Office and Hotel Development Project | |
2006062141 | NOP | California Department of Conservation, State Mining and Geology Board Division (SMGB) | 2005 Reclamation Plan for Western Aggragates, LLC. Yuba County Operations | |
2006061128 | MND | Monterey County | Country Lakes Estates | |
2004112097 | NOD | Nevada County | Nevada County Lake of the Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project | |
2005082133 | NOD | Nevada County | Lake Wildwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements 2006 | |
2006042073 | NOD | Placer County | Woodbridge Estates II (aka. Old Auburn Road Subdivision) (PSUB T20050361) | |
2004042038 | NOD | Plumas County | Graeagle Subdivision Unit 9 - Extension of Time - TSM 9-03/04-04 | |
1980110305 | NOD | Plumas County | Tentative Subdivision Map-Whitehawk Ranch Subdivision, Phase 2 Unit 1 | |
1992092074 | NOD | Plumas County | Walker Ranch: TSM 6-02/03-09; Foxwood Unit #2, Cedarwood Phases 5 (reconsideration) | |
1992092074 | NOD | Plumas County | Walker Ranch: TSM 6-02/03-09; Foxwood Unit #2, Cedarwood Phases 5 (reconsideration) | |
2006068269 | NOE | Plumas County | Whitehawk Ranch Phase XII Subdivision and Modification Permit Montebianco, LLC, Owner | |
2006068266 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | City of American Canyon Wastewater Treatment Facility | |
2006052151 | NOD | City of Roseville | NCRSP Parcel 35 - Galleria Mall Expansion | |
1991022017 | EIR | Sacramento County | Lakeview Subdivision Map Resubmission | |
2006061127 | NOP | San Bernardino County | BNSF Third Main Track Project, Cajon Pass, Keenbrook to Summit | |
2006051060 | NOD | San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) | LAFCO 2996- Reorganization to Include Formulation of the Helendale Community Services District and Dissolution of County Service Area 70 Improvement Zone B & C | |
2006051099 | NOD | City of San Luis Obispo | The Village at Maymont (ER 62-05) | |
2006041111 | NOD | City of Santa Ana | Crazy Horse Square | |
2006062124 | NEG | Santa Cruz County | Cabrillo Court Development | |
2006062131 | MND | Port of Stockton | Daggett Road Off-Island Rehabilitation Project | |
2006064005 | EA | United States Air Force (USAF) | Overseas Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Joint Strike Fighter System Development and Demonstration Development Testing | |
2006069013 | NOD | City of Ukiah | Major Site Development Permit 05-29 / Idarius | |
2005092069 | FIN | Union City | Avalon at Union Station | |
2006061130 | MND | University of California, Riverside | Boyd Deep Canyon Cell Tower; Pinyon Pines | |
2006061131 | MND | University of California, Riverside | Boyd Deep Canyon Cell Tower: Agave Hill | |
2006041139 | NOD | University of California San Diego | SIO Seawater/Storm Water Management Project | |
2003092084 | NOD | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | South Bay Aqueduct Improvement and Enlargement Project | |
2006068268 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Sonoma 116 Storm Damage Repair | |
2006068267 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Stream Bank Stabilization Project |