SCH Number 1991022017

Project Info

Lakeview Subdivision Map Resubmission
CDFG is executing Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2010-0127-R2, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, PCCP CSGF RB Portfolio, LLC. The project will impact approximately 0.14 acres of jurisdictional waters consisting of 0.03 acres of riparian wetlands, 0.07 acres of wet swale, and 0.04 acres of jurisdictional drainage ditch.
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10 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento County Riverview (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0054-R2)
Sacramento County Riverview Project SAA #1600-2010-0127-R2
Sacramento County Issuance of SAA#R2-312-00; Rancho Murieta South Rezone, Amendment to the Planned; Riverview Extension of Time of a Tentative Subdivision Map
Sacramento County Lakeview Subdivision Map Resubmission
Sacramento County Lakeview Subdivision Map Resubmission
Sacramento County Lakeview Subdivision Map Resubmission
Sacramento County Issuance of SAA#R2-312-00; Rancho Murieta South Rezone, Amendment to the Planned; Riverview Extension of Time of a Tentative Subdivision Map
Sacramento County Issuance of SAA#R2-312-00
Sacramento County Issuance of SAA#R2-312-00; Rancho Murieta South Rezone, Amendment to the Planned
Sacramento County Issuance of SAA#R2-312-00; Rancho Murieta South Rezone, Amendment to the Planned