Tuesday, June 28, 2005
- Received Date
- 2005-06-28
- Edit Search
42 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2005068491 | NOE | City of Carlsbad | PCD 04-02 / CDP 04-42 - North County Pontiac/GMC | |
2005062148 | MND | Dublin San Ramon Services District | Water Reservoir 200B | |
2005041042 | FIN | City of El Centro | GPA No. 03-06, COZ No. 03-09 and 8th Street Tentative Subdivision Map | |
2005042045 | EIR | El Dorado County | El Dorado County 2025 Regional Transportation Plan EIR | |
2005061159 | NEG | Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District | Trilogy Well Project | |
2005062145 | NEG | City of Fremont | Blacow Auto Repair Addition | |
2005062149 | NOP | City of Galt | The Village at Lexington Heights | |
2005062154 | NEG | Lodi Unified School District | Needham Elementary School 2005 Portable Project | |
2005062155 | NEG | Lodi Unified School District | Beckman Elementary School 2005 Portable Project | |
2005062152 | NEG | Lodi Unified School District | Wagner Holt Elementary School 2005 Portable Project | |
2005062150 | NEG | Lodi Unified School District | Parklane Elementary School 2005 Portable Project | |
2005062153 | NEG | Lodi Unified School District | Creekside Elementary School 2005 Portable Project | |
2005062151 | NEG | Lodi Unified School District | Henderson School | |
2005021132 | NOD | National City | Canyon Views Subdivision and Development of 21 Single-Family Residential Parcels (IS 2004-09) | |
2005068497 | NOE | City of Niland | Niland Sewer Rehabilitation Project | |
2005068499 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Install Underground Utilities between Entrance Kiosk and J.S. Cain Residence | |
2005068498 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Porter Sesnon Prescribed Burn | |
2005032082 | NOD | City of Petaluma | Lomas Petaluma Subdivision / Petaluma Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment | |
2005061161 | NOP | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Project | |
2005068500 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | ConocoPhillips., Reissuance of NPDES Permit | |
2005068489 | NOE | California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery | Adoption of Revised Regulations for Long-Term Gas Violations | |
2004112018 | NOD | Sacramento County | Pritchard Lake Restoration Project | |
2005062144 | NOP | City of Sacramento | Greenbriar Development Project | |
2005061160 | NEG | City of San Clemente | GPA 05-118 / ZA 05-119, Coastal Canyon and Bluff Setbacks for Ancillary Structures | |
2004012118 | EIR | City and County of San Francisco | Market and Octavia Neighborhood Plan | |
2004102008 | EIR | City and County of San Francisco | 3575 Geary Boulevard Senior Health Services Facility and Senior Housing Project | |
2005051091 | NOD | San Luis Obispo County | Tank Farm Road Safety and Operational Improvement Project ED01-361 (300151) | |
2004082107 | NOD | Santa Clara County | Sandy Wool Dam Embankment Repair | |
2003042072 | NOD | Santa Clara Valley Water District | Reconstruction of the Bollinger Road Bridge | |
2004051050 | NOD | City of Santee | Tentative Map TM04-01, Development Review Permit DR04-01 | |
2005032030 | NOD | Siskiyou County | Paul Hurley and Cynthia Cummins Zone Change / Tentative Subdivision Map (Z-04-12/ TSM 04-01) | |
2005062146 | MND | Tehama County | Tract #05-1000, Jerome Dobson | |
2005062147 | NEG | Tehama County | Parcel Map # 05-22, Pat McGuire | |
1994042023 | NOD | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Approval of An Explanation of Significant Difference for the Removal of Additional Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contamination for the Union Pacific Curtis P | |
2005068488 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) pursuant to Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) at Installation Restorat | |
2003101148 | NOD | City of Victorville | Tentative Tracts TT-02-003 (15418) & TT-03-041 (16173) | |
2004031131 | NOD | City of Victorville | Tentative Tracts TT-02-003 (15418) & TT-03-041 (16173) | |
2004021046 | NOD | City of Victorville | California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2004-049-06 (Silica 176 Group, LLC TT-04-011) | |
2003051037 | NOD | City of Victorville | Pleasant Valley Investments, LLC Residential Development on TT-03-022 (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2004-048-6) | |
2005068492 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Sonoma 101 - Washington Creek Bridge Maintenance | |
2005068493 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Culvert Removal at San Geronimo and Swallow Creeks | |
2005068473 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Streambed Alteration Agreement Concerning Beeler Creek |