Wednesday, April 6, 2005
- Received Date
- 2005-04-06
- Edit Search
46 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2004082099 | NOD | Alameda County | Modified Tract Map, MTR-7337 - 2492 & 2512 D Street | |
2005041033 | NOP | City of Bakersfield | General Plan Amendment / Zone Change 04-1746 and Annexation | |
2001042022 | FIN | California State Lands Commission | Shore Terminal LLC Martinez Marine Terminal 20-year Lease Consideration | |
2005048081 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | River Road Realignment and Left Turn Channelization | |
2005041028 | NOP | City of Colton | City of Colton Iron Horse Hills Vesting Tentative Tract No. 16798, A Residential Project | |
2005049009 | NOD | Contra Costa County | Lionsgate Development Company County File #MS030015 | |
2005041036 | NEG | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | Peach 1A Well | |
2005042045 | NOP | El Dorado County | El Dorado County 2025 Regional Transportation Plan EIR | |
2005048079 | NOE | Elk Grove Community Services District | Colton Park Play Lot Renovation | |
2005048080 | NOE | Elk Grove Community Services District | Elk Grove Park Play Lot Renovation | |
2005048078 | NOE | Elk Grove Community Services District | Kloss Park Play Lot Renovation | |
2005041030 | NEG | Etiwanda School District | Acquisition of Property and the Construction Thereon of a New Elementary School | |
2005041035 | NEG | City of Indio | Las Brisas North Well Site Z | |
2005041034 | NEG | City of Indio | Waring Palms East Well Site A-A | |
1997121010 | FIN | Kern County | South Beltway Transportation Corridor County Preferred Alignment | |
2005041027 | NOP | Los Angeles Unified School District | Central Region Elementary School No. 18 | |
2005048073 | NOE | Mt. San Jacinto Community College District | Construction of New Technology Building | |
2005042043 | NEG | Nevada Irrigation District | Greenhorn Campground Group Site Improvements | |
2004092011 | NOP | City of Oakley | Summer Lakes (Portion of East Cypress Corridor Specific Plan) | |
2005048093 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Chumash Painted Cave Erosion Control, Phase 2 | |
2005042039 | MND | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Laguna Point Boardwalk Reconstruction | |
2005048075 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Upgrade Accessibilty and Replace Comfort Station | |
2005042040 | NEG | City of Pleasant Hill | Density Bonus Zoning Text Amendment | |
2005042046 | NEG | Plumas County | 2002 Resources Bond Act Grant Application for Rock Creek / Cresta Public Access Improvements | |
2005042041 | NEG | Sacramento County | Sacramento International Airport Sanitary Sewer Connection | |
2005042042 | NEG | Sacramento County Water Agency | Excelsior Road Well Field, Well No. 4 | |
2004041141 | NEG | San Diego County | Collier Way Bridge Replacement | |
2005048074 | NOE | San Francisco Community College District | John Adams Campus - Main Building Modernization | |
1999061029 | NOD | San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority | Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program | |
2005042044 | NEG | San Mateo County | Addition to Rappaport Residence and Appurtenant Structures | |
1997052088 | NOD | San Mateo County Flood Control District | Colma Creek Flood Control Project Lower Reach Improvements | |
2005041032 | NEG | Santa Barbara County | Montgomery Grading / Habitat Restoration | |
2005041031 | NEG | City of Santa Barbara | 1837 1/2 El Camino de la Luz | |
1997108173 | NOD | City of Santa Rosa | Prince Memorial Greenway Phase 2004 | |
2001062045 | NOD | City of Santa Rosa | Santa Rosa Creek Pierson Reach Bike and Pedestrian Path | |
2005012071 | NOD | City of Santa Rosa | Santa Rosa Creek Pierson Reach Restoration Project - Prince Memorial Greenway to Joe Rodota Trail Connector | |
2004092059 | NOD | Sotoyome Resource Conservation District | Arundo Donax Removal in the Warm Springs Hydrologic Sub-Area | |
2004092059 | NOD | Sotoyome Resource Conservation District | Sulphur Creek Hydrologic Sub-Area | |
2004092059 | NOD | Sotoyome Resource Conservation District | Arundo Donax Removal in the Warm Springs Hydrologic Sub-Area | |
2005048090 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Romic Environmental Technologies Corporation Consent Order, HWCA Docket No. P2-04/05-004 | |
2005022028 | NOD | Trinity County | Ellis Use Permit (P-04-68) | |
2005022086 | NOD | City of Truckee | Sugar Pine Family Fun Center | |
2005041029 | NEG | West Kern Water District (WKWD) | West Kern Water District Banking Exchange with Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District | |
2005042053 | NEG | City of Williams | Northview Park | |
2005048077 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Underground Utility Line Construction | |
2005048076 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | CalTrans Culvert Maintenance |