SCH Number 2005012071

Project Info

Santa Rosa Creek Pierson Reach Restoration Project - Prince Memorial Greenway to Joe Rodota Trail Connector
Restoration of a 1,900-foot Pierson Reach section of Santa Rosa Creek, located between Railroad/Olive Street to Pierson Street. The project will remove rock and grouted concrete, create instream habitat enhancement features, stabilize banks, and re-vegetate banks with native riparian plant species.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Creek Pierson Reach Restoration Project - Prince Memorial Greenway to Joe Rodota Trail Connector
City of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Creek Pierson Reach Restoration Project - Prince Memorial Greenway to Joe Rodota Trail Connector
City of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Creek Pierson Reach Restoration Project - Prince Memorial Greenway to Joe Rodota Trail Connector