Tuesday, December 14, 2004
- Received Date
- 2004-12-14
- Edit Search
48 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2004121061 | NEG | City of Adelanto | TTM 17030 | |
2004128194 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | YOL / SAC 80 Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Project | |
2003042068 | EIR | City of Chico | Mountain Vista and Sycamore Glen Subdivisions (S00-11 & S01-02) | |
2004122070 | NEG | Contra Costa County | SD048861 - Essex | |
2004122068 | NEG | Contra Costa County | P&S Madden, DP043025, MS040008, R2043144 | |
2004051124 | NOD | City of Covina | Covina Town Center Specific Plan | |
2004101018 | EIR | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | Winchester Recycled Water Storage Facilities Modifications | |
2004128197 | NOE | California Department of Employment Development (EDD) | Woodland Job Service | |
2004128202 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #04-0528, Unnamed Tributary to Willow Creek, Humboldt County | |
2004128201 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #04-0605, Hutsinpillar Creek Tributary to Smith River, Del Norte County | |
2004128203 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #04-0577, South Fork Pit River, Tributary to Pit River, Modoc County | |
2004124003 | NOP | Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) | Exotic Pest Eradication Program EIR | |
2004129023 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Amendment to Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #03-5167 | |
2001021030 | NOD | City of Fresno | Draft EIR No. 10129 General Plan Amendment | |
2004122073 | NEG | City of Hillsborough | Hillsborough General Plan Update | |
2004121063 | NEG | Imperial County | Cal-Grade Inc. Reclamation Plan #04-0007 | |
2004111053 | EIR | City of Lake Elsinore | Oak Grove Crossing | |
2004121065 | NOP | Monterey Peninsula Water Management District | Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project | |
2004052080 | NOD | Ohlone Community College District | Ohlone College Newark Center for Health Sciences and Technology | |
2002101060 | NOD | Olivenhain Municipal Water District | San Dieguito Water Storage and Recovery Project | |
2004128204 | NOE | Orange County Water District | Dana Point Ocean Desalination Project - Reconnaissance Hydrologeology Investigation | |
2003082103 | EIR | City of Palo Alto | Palo Alto/Stanford University Development Agreement and Lease DEIR | |
2004122072 | NEG | Placer County | Winding Creek Subdivision (EIAQ-3751) | |
2004122071 | NEG | Placer County | Brook Avenue Parking Facility (PDSA 2004 0102) | |
2004128200 | NOE | Rancho Santa Fe School District | Purchase of residential property | |
2004129024 | NOD | City of Red Bluff | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #03-0187 | |
2004129027 | NOD | Riverside County | EA39408 PM31870 | |
2004129030 | NOD | Riverside County | EA39451 PM32000 Amended No. 1 | |
2004129029 | NOD | Riverside County | EA39397 PM30845 | |
2004129026 | NOD | Riverside County | EA38907 CZ6754 / TR30913 | |
2004129031 | NOD | Riverside County | EA39467 (CFG02944) Conditional Use Permit No. 3428 | |
2004129025 | NOD | Riverside County | EA39244 CZ6868 / TR31724 | |
2004129028 | NOD | Riverside County | EA38678 TR30465 | |
2004102028 | NOD | City of San Mateo | O'Neil Tide Gate Reconstruction & Levee Project | |
2004111008 | EIR | Santa Barbara County | Dominion Road Ranch Grading | |
2004061152 | EIR | City of Santa Clara | Agilent Technologies, Inc. Master Development Plan | |
2000114006 | JD | United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | Contra Costa Canal Unit Long-Term Contract Renewal | |
2004054003 | FIN | United States Department of Energy | Imperial-Mexicali 230-kV Transmission Lines | |
2004122074 | NEG | City of Vacaville | Ulatis Creek Pedestrian / Bike Path | |
2004121062 | NEG | City of Victorville | Tentative Tract TT-04-076 | |
2004121066 | NEG | City of Walnut | Meadowpass Road Extension | |
2003092084 | FIN | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | South Bay Aqueduct Improvement and Enlargement Project | |
2004122069 | NEG | Yuba County | Conditional Use Permit 2004-0011 (Fellowship of Friends) | |
2004128195 | NOE | Fish and Game Santa Barbara | Grimes Canyon Road Bridge Repair | |
2004128267 | NOE | Fish and Game Santa Barbara | Grime Canyon Road Bridge Repair | |
2004128198 | NOE | Fish and Game Santa Barbara | Sylvan Creek Bridge Repair | |
2004128199 | NOE | Fish and Game Santa Barbara | Hummingbird Creek Culvert Modification | |
2004128196 | NOE | Fish and Game Santa Barbara | Sylvan Creek Bridge Repair |