Friday, March 8, 2002

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57 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2002038262 Fish & Game #2 Bryte Bend Bridge Repair Project
2002031043 City of Lancaster Whit Carter Park
2002038242 California Department of Parks and Recreation Gravel Landings
2002038259 State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Certification FERC#137
2002031040 San Luis Obispo County Moore Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit
2001061012 Los Angeles Unified School District East Valley High School No. 3 and Continuation High School
2002038256 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #01-0220
2002038293 United States Army, National Guard Site Acquisition and Enlarge Parking Facility at Fresno Organizational Maintenance Shop (OMS)
2002039006 Fish & Game #2 Laurel Woods Subdivision Stormwater Outfalls
2001061089 Los Angeles Unified School District Southeast Area Learning Center
2002038250 California Department of Parks and Recreation HQ Parking Area Rehab and Electrical Retrofit (01/02-CD-27)
2002032053 Yolo County ZF #2002-027
2002032050 City of Trinidad Trinidad Community Center
2002038253 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #02-0009
2002039007 Fish & Game #2 SMUD Upper American River Project Recreation Development Phase 4
2001051129 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) SDG&E Pala Substation (Application No. 01-01-050)
2002032051 City of San Rafael Pickleweed Community Center Expansion Plan
2002038257 Lake Elsinore Unified School District Butterfield Elementary School Modernization and Addition
1998082073 Placer County Bickford Ranch
2002038294 Department of Developmental Services Lanterman Developmental Center
2002038254 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #01-0562
2001121144 Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District Smoke Management Program
2002038248 California Department of Parks and Recreation Hamilton Barn / Baxter Camp Trail Connection
2002032045 Cordua Irrigation District Cordua Irrigation District's Conjunctive Use of Groundwater Pursuant to Contracts with Yuba County Water Agency
2002032048 Port of Stockton Port of Stockton West Complex Redevelopment Plan
2002038245 California Department of Parks and Recreation Exotic Vegetation Control
2002038352 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan for San Leandro Boulevard Source Area
2002038292 Fish & Game #2 Thomas Creek Ecological Reserve Expansion #1
2002032046 Mono County Paradise Transfer Station
2001102024 City of Solana Beach Bannasch-Crouch Seacave Infill
2002038249 California Department of Parks and Recreation Demo & Replace w/New Entrance Station at Borrego Palm Canyon
2002032052 California Department of Transportation, District 3 State Route 29 and Coyote Creek Bridge Widening
2002038252 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campfire Center Sign
2001091141 City of Fresno Plan Amendment Application No. A-01-21, Rezoning Application Nos. R-01-55 and P-OZ-C
1989092511 City of Galt Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion-Galt
2001108141 California Department of Parks and Recreation Amendment
2002038263 Fish & Game #2 Private Dock Construction
2002038240 California Department of Parks and Recreation Firing Range Rehabilation
2002031044 San Luis Obispo County Neal Spring Road Reconstruction Project
2002038243 California Department of Parks and Recreation Willow Creek Shop Restroom Replacement
2002038246 California Department of Parks and Recreation Visitor Center
2000061113 South Coast Air Quality Management District Ultramar Inc., Wilmington Refinery, CARB Phase 3 Proposed Project
2002031041 San Luis Obispo County Muracchioli Minor Use Permit/Coastal Development Permit
2002038260 State Water Resources Control Board Petition for Change in Place of Use for Water Right License 4450A01 Application: 13281A01
2002032044 City of Point Arena RCFPD Fire Station
2002038247 California Department of Parks and Recreation Beach Parking Signage
2001101040 San Diego County TPM 20549; Log. 78-14-360; Eltinge Drive Minor Subdivision
2002038244 California Department of Parks and Recreation Window Replacement
2002032047 Santa Cruz County Soquel Subdivision
2002031042 California Department of Parks and Recreation Designation of Multiple-Use Trails at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park
2002038255 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement #01-0488
2002031039 City of Marina Marina State Beach Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Sidewalk Project
1985051304 City of Bakersfield The Southeast Bakersfield Community Services Center Conformity Findings With Program EIR for the Casa Loma Specific Plan
2002038241 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restroom Pumping Access
2002038258 City of Waterford Beard Park Playground Rehabilitation Project
2001122027 Shasta County Zone Amendment No. 01-006
2002038261 Fish & Game #2 Channelization of Stream