Tuesday, July 31, 2001

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32 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1997102077 Contra Costa Water District Future Use and Operation of Contra Loma Reservoir
2001078588 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Soil and Groundwater Contamination
2001051081 Imperial County Concurrence in the revision of Solid Waste Facility Permit #13-AA-0010, Hot Spa Solid Waste Site
2001071147 Imperial County Initial Study #01-0049 Desert Valley Company Final Closure/Post Closure Maintenance Plan
2001071146 Long Beach Unified School District 1777 East 20th Street High School/GTE North Property
2001089014 Los Angeles County Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream Alteration (SAA #R5-2001-0131) for the Installation of the Burbank Trunk Line (replacing the Ventura Trunk Line).
2001071149 National Indian Gaming Commission Picayune Rancheria of the Chukchansi Indians Casino
2001078577 California Department of Parks and Recreation Garden Maintenance
2001078585 California Department of Parks and Recreation New Well
2001078574 California Department of Parks and Recreation Call House Interior Painting
2001078582 California Department of Parks and Recreation Main Entrance Gate Replacement
2001078576 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fence Repairs
2001078579 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tank House Stairs Rebuild
2001078581 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cold Stream Road Gate Replacement
2001078584 California Department of Parks and Recreation Molinari Acquisition
2001078575 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pressure Reducing Valve Replacement
2001078578 California Department of Parks and Recreation Path Improvements
2001078583 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ramada Repairs
2001078580 California Department of Parks and Recreation Water Quality Resource Inventory - Delta Meadows River Park
1990020076 Riverside County Concurrence in the Revision of Solid Waste Facility Permit #33-AA-0217, El Sobrante Landfill
1993072063 City of Sacramento SCUSD Education Center (P00-171)
2001051075 San Bernardino County Barstow Sanitary Landfill/SWFP Amendment
2001042118 City of South Lake Tahoe Industrial Tract Stream Environment Zone Restoration
2001078589 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of up to Three Environmentally Sensitive Parcels Necessary for the Protection of the Natural Environment
2001078586 California Tahoe Conservancy License for Access to Perform Soil Boring
2001078587 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of a Conservation Easement Over One Environmentally Sensitive Parcel for Protection of the Natural Environment
2001089015 Ventura County Encino Facilities Relocation Project
2001071145 City of Vista Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse
2001031094 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Acquisition of Water from Semitropic Water Storage District and Tulare Irrigation District for the Environmental Water Account
2001012079 Woodland Joint Unified School District New Southeast Area High School, Woodland, CA
2001078572 Fish & Game #2 PIER RECONSTRUCTION
2001078573 Fish & Game #5 Kalorama Street Detention Basins