Tuesday, February 20, 2001

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115 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2001021086 Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District (BCVWD) Water Recharge Test Project
2001029017 City of Bishop Bed and Breakfast Inn
2001028243 Bonsall Unified School District (BUSD) Bonsall Joint Use Multipurpose Facility
200102 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians APN 062-050-02, 062-050-62, 062-040-17
2000121026 California State Lands Commission AT&T NexGen/Core Fiber Optic Telecommunication System
1999041010 City of Carlsbad Bressi Ranch Industrial
2001028379 Chino Basin Municipal Water District College Heights SW Recharge Basin Maintenance Project
2001028382 Chino Basin Municipal Water District Turner Recharge Basin #1 - Cucamonga Creek Channel Replacement Diversion Structure
2001028378 Chino Basin Municipal Water District Ely Recharge Basins #1-3 Maintenance Project
2001028381 Chino Basin Municipal Water District College Heights Basins - San Antonio Channel Diversion And Spill Connection
2001028376 Chino Basin Municipal Water District Ely Basin #1 - K Rail De-Silting Works Project
2001028377 Chino Basin Municipal Water District Montclair Recharge Basin #1 Maintenance Project
2001028380 Chino Basin Municipal Water District Montclair Recharge Basin #4 Maintenance Project
2001028385 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Albany Salt Marsh Expansion Feasibility Study
2001028384 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Palomarin Field Station Trail Restoration And Enhancement
2001028370 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder" 42A (030-17967)
2001028347 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sarrett Fee" 37G (030-17959)
2001028224 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. B-25 (030-17979)
2001028218 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-4AI (030-17941)
2001028344 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder-Rall" 45D (030-17964)
2001028238 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" E-2A (030-17983)
2001028371 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Veddar" 55A (030-17968)
2001028367 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" G-1DI (030-17945)
2001028348 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sarrett Fee" 27L (030-17960)
2001028368 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" H-5AI (030-17946)
2001028225 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. B-23 (030-17978)
2001028362 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8120A (030-17955)
2001028236 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-3A (030-17985)
2001028219 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-5AI (030-17942)
2001028339 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 48SE-31S (030-17933)
2001028342 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder" 57L (030-17975)
2001028351 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Security" 61E (030-17963)
2001028345 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder'Rall" 46G (030-17965)
2001028222 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. B-24 (030-17977)
2001028233 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-5B (030-17988)
2001028365 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 12W-36R (030-17935)
2001028359 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8099 (030-17952)
2001028216 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-1AI (030-17939)
2001028363 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8123A (030-17956)
2001028374 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-1BI (030-17943)
2001028231 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" G-4A (030-17990)
2001028341 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 41-33R (030-17932)
2001028235 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-2B (030-17986)
2001028355 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Veddar" 57E (030-17974)
2001028232 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" G-5 (030-17989)
2001028346 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder-Rall" 53S (030-17966)
2001028220 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Welport" 134H (030-17982)
2001028340 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 26W-28R (030-17934)
2001028217 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-2AI (030-17940)
2001028360 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8123 (030-17953)
2001028343 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder" 462X (030-17976)
2001028237 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" E-1B (030-17984)
2001028366 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 75-36R (030-17936)
2001028228 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" H-5B (030-17993)
2001028357 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8074 (030-17950)
2001028214 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 17NW-2G (030-17981)
2001028234 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" F-4B (030-17987)
2001028354 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Veddar" 42D (030-17973)
2001028227 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" I-1A (030-17994)
2001028353 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Veddar" 43C (030-17972)
2001028373 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Veddar" 33B (030-17970)
2001028230 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" G-2B (030-17991)
2001028350 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sarrett Fee" 38N (030-17962)
2001028221 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. B-26 (030-17980)
2001028364 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8147A (030-17957)
2001028223 California Department of Conservation (DOC) Well No. 6D-536 (030-17996)
2001028356 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Matthew Fee" 23S (030-17958)
2001028358 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lost Hills One" 8098 (030-17951)
2001028215 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" D-1AI (030-17938)
2001028229 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" G-4B (030-17992)
2001028372 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Veddar" 32B (030-17969)
2001028349 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Sarrett Fee" 25M (030-17961)
2001028369 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" H-4BI (030-17947)
2001028226 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" I-4A (030-17995)
2001028375 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Lilly Fee" G-1CI (030-17944)
2001028352 California Department of Conservation (DOC) "Vedder" 42C (030-17971)
2001021081 City of Del Mar Pacific View Estates
2001021072 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Gemini 4H
2001021077 Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Sanderson Lift Station Replacement Project
1998042024 City of Hayward Amendment to the Downtown Hayward Redevelopment Plan
1998042024 City of Hayward Downtown Hayward Redevelopment Plan Amendment
2001021076 Kings Canyon Unified School District Orange Cove Education Center
2000121004 City of Laguna Niguel George White Elementary School Ballfield Improvement Project
2001021080 Los Angeles County Downey-Animal Shelter Expansion
2001021078 Los Banos Unified School District Lorena Falasco Elementary School
2001021074 City of Malibu Zone Text Amendment (ZTA) 01-001 & Negative Declaration (ND) 01-002
2000122032 City of Mammoth Lakes Wood/Pieschala Variance & Lot Line Adjustment
2001022020 Marin County Shanazi Precise Development Plan
1992052017 City of Modesto Adoption of General Plan Amendment - Dual Use Flood Control/Parks Facilities and Design Standards Manual.
2001021099 City of Morro Bay Global Photon
2000101073 Orange County Urban Runoff Flow Diversion-File IP00-113
2001028336 California Department of Parks and Recreation Andrew Molera State Park
2001028388 California Department of Parks and Recreation Old Town Sheds (00/01-SD-12)
1998012052 Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency SAFCA Lower Dry Creek & Robla Creek Levee Improvement
1994061036 San Diego County Hillsdale Ranch Planned Residential Development
2000081125 San Diego County TPM 20454: R & A Lot Split
2000051108 San Diego County Hopwood TPM, TPM 20447, Log NO. 99-08-028
2000091108 San Diego County TPM 19999 Rpl 1, Log No. 92-20-1, Krutoff Tentative Parcel Map
2001022071 City of San Jose Downtown San Jose Mixed Use Project
2001021087 San Luis Obispo County Santa Ysabel Ranch
2001028386 California Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) Baldwin Hills (Lloyd) Acquisitions
2001028387 California Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) Cienega Hills Scenic Easement Acquisition
2001021084 City of Signal Hill Long Beach Mercedes/ 2300 Spring Street
1993011040 City of Simi Valley Amendment to the Merged Tapo Canyon and West End Community Development Project
2000121106 Temple City Las Tunas Redevelopment Project
2001021073 United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Oceanside Harbor Submerged Groin Removal Project
2001021085 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) El Rio Sewer System Project
1999084005 United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Heavenly Ski Resort - Ski Run Project
2000091041 City of Yucaipa Conditional Use Permit, Case No. 00-066/CUP
2001028239 Fish & Game #2 Replace 60 "CMP, a Paved Invert, and Construct PCC Headwalls and Place Rock Slope Protection at the Outlet. Sbd 189 at PM 3.3.
2001028337 Fish & Game #2 Issuance of a Streambed Alteration Agreement (II-2001-12)
2001028338 Fish & Game #2 Issuance of a Streambed Alteration Agreement (II-2001-0003)
2001028240 Fish & Game #6 Eagle Point Boat Launch Ramp
2001028242 Fish & Game #6 Dredging Varner Harbor, Boat Launching Facility, Salton Sea, State Recreation Area
2001028241 Fish & Game #6 Re-Vegetation and Enhancement of Disturbed Drainage