SCH Number 1999084005

Project Info

Heavenly Ski Resort - Ski Run Project
Heavenly Ski Resort proposes to construct three new ski runs (Runs 72, 75, & 86) during the fall of 1999. All three of the proposed runs are located on the Nevada side of the resort and are outside of the Tahoe Region. All are located on National Forest lands administered solely by the LTBMU. The proposed runs would be served by existing ski lifts and would enhance the quality of the user's recreational experience. In addition, snowmaking coverage would be added to each run. No increase in capacity of the resort in terms of Persons At One Time (PAOTs) would result from the construction of the new ski runs and snowmaking facilities.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Heavenly Ski Resort - Ski Run Project
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Heavenly Ski Resort - Ski Run Project