Thursday, June 29, 2000
- Received Date
- 2000-06-29
- Edit Search
91 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2000069030 | NOD | City of Auburn | Grand Oaks Subdivision | |
2000062147 | NEG | City of Belvedere | 93 West Shore Road Pier and Boat Lift | |
2000068267 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Diane E. Truly - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068304 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Judith Purdy - Recreational Lease | |
2000068270 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Shore Terminals, LLC - General Lease - Non-Exclusive Right of Way Use | |
2000068296 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Theordor G. Erler, III and Adrian K. Erler - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068273 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Edwin Newman - Amendment of General Lease Non-Commercial Use | |
2000068307 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Silver Pavilion Homeowners Association - General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use | |
2000068284 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Neil Collier and Bobbie J. Collier-Termination of General Permit-Protective Structure and Issuance of Gen. Lease Rec. & Prot. Struct. Use | |
2000068281 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Seafloor Surveys International, Inc.-Consider approval of a Non-Exclusive Geological Survey Permit on Tide & Submerged Lands Under Jurisdiction of CSLC | |
2000068287 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | William Howard and Diane Howard - General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use | |
2000068297 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Donald S. DeForest and Jan C. DeForest - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068274 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Robert A. Wiemer, Jr. and Maria C. Wiemer - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068300 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Murray M. Smith, Carol J. Smith, Donovan C. Davis and Jeanne May Davis - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068303 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Alexander Hildebrand and Barbara F. Hildebrand - General Lease - Right of Way | |
2000068280 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Consider Boundary Line Agreement between the State Lands Commission and Warren Hopkins along the South Shore of Goose Lake, Modoc County | |
2000068299 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Roger I Ramseier and Donna L. Benner - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068276 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Grey Torlai, Glen Burgin, and Robert Reynolds-Acceptance of Quitclaim Deed-Termination of Grazing Lease-Issuance of Grazing Lease | |
2000068302 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Crescent City Harbor District - Dredging and Disposal Lease | |
2000068306 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Jeffrey Ehlers and Linda Ehlers - Recreational Pier Lease / WP 3714.9 | |
2000068283 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | James A. Carter and Judith M. Carter - Recreational and Protective Structure | |
2000068305 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Jeffrey Ehlers and Linda Ehlers - Recreational Pier Lease / WP 4059.9 | |
2000068285 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | George Carl Frederic - Recreational Use Permit | |
2000068288 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Timothy J. Laughlin - Termination of General Permit - Protective Structure and Recreational Use and Issuance of a New General Lease - Rec. & Protective Str. Use | |
2000068268 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | County of Orange - Amendment of Lease | |
2000068282 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Slawson Exploration Company, Inc. - Consider Approval Deferment of Drillilng Obligation, Oil and Gas Lease No. PRC 7976.1 | |
2000068277 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Tahoe Pines Homeowners Association - General Lease - Recreation Lease | |
2000068291 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | City of Corning - General Lease - Public Agency Use | |
2000068294 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Kiewit Pacific Company - Dredging Lease | |
2000068271 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | C. and Kathleen M. Bennett - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000031062 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | AT&T Fiber Optic Cable Project - General Lease - Right of Way Use, and Amendment of Lease | |
2000068275 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Tahoe Tahoma Cabins - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068298 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | K Robert and June L. Taylor - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068301 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Northshore Townhouse Association - General Lease - Recreational Use | |
2000068278 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Larry L. Wasem - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068295 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | City of Emeryville - Dredging Lease | |
2000068289 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | S. Patrick Presley - Recreational Pier Lease | |
2000068292 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Connolly-Pacific Co. - General Lease - Industrial Use | |
2000068269 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | City of Del Mar - General Lease - Public Agency Use | |
2000068286 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Jeffrey A. Hart | |
2000068266 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Silver Pavilion Homeowners Association - General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use | |
2000068272 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Albert D. Giovannoni - General Lease - Commercial Use | |
2000068290 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | City of Waterford - General Lease - Public Agency Use | |
2000068293 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Timothy P. Alpers and Pamela Alpers - General lease - Residential Leach Field System | |
2000068258 | NOE | California State University, Chico | Acquistion of Simmons Ranch | |
2000068231 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | 03-ED-50 KP 115.1/118.6 (PM 71.5/73.7) EA 0A4000 Drainage and Erosion Control | |
2000031019 | NOD | City of Carlsbad | Project No: CUP 99-19 / HDP 00-03 / SUP 00-03 | |
1999051093 | NOD | City of Carmel-by-the-Sea | Shellooe Demolition Permit/Design Study | |
1999031095 | NOD | City of Carmel-by-the-Sea | San Carlos | |
2000068256 | NOE | California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) | Sonoma Creek Enhancement: Phase I | |
2000069028 | NOD | Colusa County | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement # R2-253-00 | |
2000069031 | NOD | City of Folsom | City of Folsom Sun Country Segment, Humbug/Willow Creek Trail | |
2000069029 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | (Timber Harvest Plan #4-98-38 / ELD-17) | |
2000062149 | NEG | City of Fremont | Chen Consolidated - Mission Boulevard - Assisted Living Facility | |
2000061138 | NEG | City of Hemet | Florida Avenue & Myers Drainage Improvements | |
2000061135 | NEG | Inyo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) | Formation of the Independence Community Services District | |
2000022097 | NOD | City of Lodi | Lower Sacramento Road Widening | |
2000021078 | EIR | City of Los Angeles | Northeast Interceptor Sewer and Eagle Rock Interceptor Sewer | |
2000042084 | NOD | Oro Loma Sanitary District | Lewelling Boulevard Sewer Interceptor Project | |
2000068262 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Electric Gate | |
2000068263 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Tamarack Sno-Park | |
2000061133 | NEG | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Palm Springs Aerial Tramway Modernization - Additional Rock Removal Activities | |
1999102008 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Worldwide Fiber Networks, Inc. - Amendment of Permit | |
1998012091 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream Alteration (SAA# 5-075-00) | |
1999082006 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Williams Communications, Inc. - Amendment of Permit | |
1999082006 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Williams Communications, Inc. -Permits for Telephone Line Right of Way | |
2000061140 | NEG | City of Rancho Palos Verdes | 25th Street Slope Stabilization Project | |
2000062144 | NOP | City of Redding | Oasis Road Specific Plan | |
2000061139 | NEG | Riverside County | Specific Plan 144, Substantial Conformance No.1, Change of Zone No.6503, Tentative Tract Map 28816, Revised No. 1 | |
1994062030 | NOD | Sacramento County | Meiss Road Bridge Project 92-PWE-0784 | |
1996022060 | NOD | Sacramento County | Vineyard Springs comprehensive plan and associated rezones and subdivision maps known as Wildhawk Estates, Bradshaw Vineyards and Calvine Crossing. | |
2000041095 | NOD | San Diego County | Severino Grading and Habitat Loss Permit | |
2000061136 | NEG | San Diego County | Lantis Minor Subdivision and Site Plan | |
1994031066 | EIR | San Diego County | Stallion Oaks, Major Use Permit Modification | |
1999122093 | NOD | San Joaquin County | Groundwater Extraction and Exportation Ordinance Amendment | |
2000062143 | NOP | City of San Jose | General/Specific Plan Amendment (File No. GP00-06-001) for Del Monte Plant No. 3 | |
1999011045 | NOP | City of Santa Barbara | Entrada de Santa Barbara and Lower State Street Improvements | |
2000062137 | NEG | Santa Cruz County | Amendment of Sewage Disposal Ord. and General Plan | |
2000012088 | NOD | Saratoga Union School District | Foothill Elementary School Expansion | |
2000061137 | NOP | City of Signal Hill | Home Depot Commercial Center | |
2000052029 | NOD | Sonoma County | Sutter Medical Center Cardiac Catheterization/MRI Facility | |
2000068308 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Three-Year Manifest Variance Renewal for Tuolumne County - HHWVAR970504R | |
2000068309 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Northrop Grumman Corporation, East Complex Facility, South Johnson Property, Former Hazardous | |
2000068310 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Class III Agency Initiated Post Closure Permit Modification | |
1999024003 | NOD | United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | City of Sacramento Fish Screen Replacement Project | |
2000062145 | NEG | University of California, Davis | UCDNet2 | |
2000062145 | NEG | University of California, Davis | UCDNet2 | |
2000068257 | NOE | Wheeler Ridge -Maricopa Water Storage District | Water Service Contract for Pastoria Energy Facility, LLC | |
2000062148 | NEG | Winters Joint Unified School District | New Elementary School | |
2000068259 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Forward Landfill Bridge Project | |
2000068260 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement R2-226-00 |