SCH Number 1994071005

Project Info

Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment
The proposed SPA would amend Neighborhood D South, D North, and G (Planning Areas 8,13-14, and 15) to increase the allowed residential capacity to be consistent with the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update (HEU). The proposed upzoning would add a total of 855 additional residential units to the existing residential capacity of the TLSP The HEU also included 1,356 buffer units that are intended to make up for any potential units that are not developed on the other HEU sites. Therefore, a total of 2,211 units have been incorporated into the residential caps of the TLSP Neighborhoods D North, D South, and G. The provision for density bonus is applicable to the TLSP area, and therefore, the application of density bonus has been analyzed through the addition of 2,759 units. Together, the HEU RHNA units, buffer units, and density bonus units total an additional 4,970 units that are analyzed in the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report.
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30 documents in project

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