Wednesday, January 13, 2021

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33 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2020109009 City of Irvine NOD for Hoag Hospital Irvine Expansion (adopted by City Council on Jan. 12, 2021)
2021010132 California Department of Parks and Recreation Donner Memorial State Park Road and Trail Management Plan
2021010131 City of Rohnert Park Sidewalk and Creek Path Replacement Project No. 2017-22 Crane Creek
2018021061 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Onyx Ranch South Fork Valley Water Project
2021010130 City of Los Angeles Los Angeles Citywide Housing Element 2021-2029 Update and Safety Element Update
2020090474 City of San Buenaventura Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic
2021010129 San Bernardino County Jazmin Solar Energy Project
2020100225 Los Angeles Unified School District Abraham Lincoln High School Comprehensive Modernization Project
2020090205 Los Angeles Unified School District Vaughn Next Century Learning Center Administrative, Media/Literacy & Kitchen Building Project
2021010128 City of Truckee Church St. Extension/Trout Creek Restoration - Utility Extension
2021010127 Sacramento County Grubbs Bell Acqua Lake 3
2021010126 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Conservation Planning (CDFW) Sidalcea oregana ssp. valida Stewardship and Seed Viability, Propagation, and Bulking Project
2021010125 Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Walnut Park - Pacific Boulevard_RPPL2020007416
2020110157 Novato Unified School District Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Proposed Lynwood School Modernization Project
2021010124 Los Angeles County Department of Parks & Recreation Various Park Improvements at Stephen Sorensen Park
2020110157 Novato Unified School District Notice of Determination - Lynwood School Modernization Project
2003021141 Orange County Los Patrones Parkway Extension (LPPE) General Plan Amendment
2003021141 Orange County Chiquita Canyon Drive General Plan Amendment
2019029104 Santa Barbara County Flood Control District Randall Road Debris Basin EIR Addendum
2021010123 City of Arcata City of Arcata Arcata Ridge Trail - Fickle Hill Segment
2020110172 Sacramento County Mutual Housing & Habitat for Humanity at 46th Street
2021010122 Marin County O’Donnell Financial Group, LLC. Master Plan Amendment and Design Review
2021010121 Santa Clara County Single-Family Residence at 3343 Alpine Road
2021010120 California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) Neal Road Intersection Emergency Repairs
2020100576 City of Lake Elsinore Corydon Gateway Project
2020020006 City of Stockton Sanchez
2021010119 Del Norte Local Transportation Commission Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Del Norte Regional Transportation Plan
2021010118 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW) Dragonfly Ranch Hydro Electric and Water Diversion
2021010117 Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) One San Pedro Specific Plan
2021010116 City of Carson Imperial Avalon Mixed-Use Project
2021010115 Planning Division, City of Pomona 1144 W. Eleventh St. (MAJCOA-014719-2020)
2019119039 City of East Palo Alto 965 Weeks Street Apartments
2021010114 City of Tulare Industrial Dewatering Equipment Installation at WWTP Project