Monday, March 23, 2020

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92 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2019029152 California Tahoe Conservancy Tahoe Valley Stormwater and Greenbelt Improvement Project
2019129076 Sierra County Water Works District No. 1 (SCWWD1) Calpine Water System Improvement Project 2020
2017111033 City of Santa Paula Santa Paula 2040 General Plan Update (Project No. 14-Cl-03)
2020030992 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley) Union Pacific Railroad Milepost 255.01 Bridge
2020030991 City of Santa Ana Euclid-Hazard 7-Eleven Service Station
2020030990 California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) Office of Emergency Services - Bradview Fire Apparatus Shop and Logistics Warehouse
2020030989 Kern County PLN20-01097
2020030988 Kern County PLN20-01096
2020030987 Kern County PLN20-01100
2020030986 Kern County PLN20-00927
2020030985 Kern County PLN20-00929
2020030984 Kern County PLN20-00935
2020030983 Kern County PLN20-00936
2020030982 California State University, San Francisco (SFSU) San Francisco State University – Student Housing Renovation Project
2020030981 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) ROUTE 99 NB/152 WB FLYOVER IMPROVEMENTS
2020030980 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Truck Escape Ramp Liner
2020030979 Kern County PLN20-01085
2020030978 Kern County PLN20-01079
2020030977 California Tahoe Conservancy Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Update
2020030976 Kern County PLN20-01068
2020030975 Kern County PLN20-01008
2020030974 California Tahoe Conservancy Water and Sewer Infrastructure Assessment, Planning, and Design
2020030973 Kern County PLN20-00934
2020030972 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of one environmentally sensitive land parcel located in the Mark Twain Subdivision.
2020030971 California Tahoe Conservancy Identifying Adaptive Traits for Climate Resilience in Sugar Pine Trees
2020030970 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of one environmentally sensitive land parcel located along the Upper Truckee River.
2020030969 San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) Bakersfield -Kern Junction CTC Upgrade
2020030968 California Tahoe Conservancy USDA Forest Service Meyers Landfill Monitoring Well Long-Term License Agreement
2020030967 San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) Modesto Empire Jct #24 Universal Crossover
2020030966 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW) Segunda Deshecha Channel Restoration Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2019-0280-R5)
2020030965 Kern County PLN20-01086
2020030964 Kern County PLN20-00945
2020030963 Kern County PLN20-00947
2020030962 San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) Unification of the Banta Elementary School District
2020030961 Kern County PLN20-00948
2020030960 Trinity County Resource Conservation District Trinity County Resource Conservation District 2020 Weaver Bally Loop Fuel Reduction
2020030959 State Water Resources Control Board Miners Ranch Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project
2020030958 Trinity County Resource Conservation District Trinity County Resource Conservation District 2020 Lewiston Fuel Reduction
2018041075 City of Rancho Santa Margarita Rancho Santa Margarita General Plan Update
2010051001 San Diego Association of Governments Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project
2019129050 California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT) Last Chance Grade Phase 2B Geotechnical Investigation
2020030957 Kern County PLN20-01094
2020030956 Kern County PLN20-01093
2020030955 Kern County PLN20-01092
2020030954 Kern County PLN20-01090
2020030953 Kern County PLN20-01089
2020030952 Kern County PLN20-01087
2020030951 Kern County PLN20-01084
2020030950 Kern County PLN20-01082
2020030949 Kern County PLN20-01007
2020030948 Kern County PLN20-00632
2020030947 10th District Agricultural Association, Siskiyou Golden Fair (10th DAA) Union Pacific Railroad Milepost 256.66 Bridge
2020030946 California Department of Parks and Recreation Restore Coast Live Oak Grove (19.20.A8)
2020030945 Trinity County Resource Conservation District TCRCD 2020 SWRCB Lewiston Roadside Fuel Reduction Project
2020030944 Trinity County Resource Conservation District TCRCD 2020 SWRCB Douglas City Roadside Fuel Reduction Project
2020039066 City of Los Angeles Onyx32 - 32 Small Lot Homes
2020039065 City of Alhambra Southern California Edison Alhambra Warehouse Project
2020039064 Fresno County Initial Study No. 7530 - Jacalitos Creek Bridge Replacement Project
2019129032 California State University Board of Trustees California State University, Channel Islands (CSUCI) Solar Array Project
2020039063 San Joaquin County PA-1900263 (SA)
2020039062 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) Fresno 198 Culvert Rehabilitation (06-0X060)
2020030943 Kern County PLN20-01027
2020030942 Kern County PLN20-01080
2020030941 Kern County PLN20-01078
2020030940 Kern County PLN20-01076
2020030939 Kern County PLN20-01071
2020030938 Kern County PLN20-01070
2020030937 Kern County PLN20-01063
2020030936 Kern County PLN20-01062
2020030935 Kern County PLN20-01061
2020030934 City of Coalinga Van Ness Storm Drain Phase 2 Project
2020030933 Kern County PLN20-01066
2020030932 Kern County PLN20-01065
2020030931 Kern County PLN20-01064
2020030930 Kern County PLN20-01060
2020030929 Kern County PLN20-01022
2020030928 Kern County PLN20-01006
2020030927 Kern County PLN20-01005
2020030926 Kern County PLN20-01004
2020030925 Kern County PLN20-01003
2020030924 Kern County PLN20-01002
2020030923 Kern County PLN20-00998
2020030922 Kern County PLN20-00996
2020030921 Kern County PLN20-00994
2020030920 Kern County PLN20-00969
2020030919 Kern County PLN20-00896
2020030918 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Emergency Permit for Treatment of Hazrodus Waste, IBM Alamedan Research Center, Santa Clara County, San Jose, California
2020030917 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region 9 (RWQCB) Cove Drive Group Dock Maintenance
1991022072 California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) FRE-180 Kings Canyon Expressway 3 (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0194-R4) Major Amendment No. 8
2020030916 Kern County PLN20-01069
2020030915 Kern County PLN20-00980
2020030913 Kern County PLN20-01025