Thursday, May 2, 2013

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31 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013052005 City of Mill Valley MV 2040 General Plan and 2009-2014 Housing Element
2013051009 University of California, Santa Barbara San Joaquin Apartments and Precinct Improvements
2013058016 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Sierra Bella Mutual Water Company Existing Well No. 5 Addition
2002082057 City of Roseville Westpark Phase 4 Amendment to the West Roseville Specific Plan
2013058013 City of Sacramento PG&E Ditch Liner Replacement Project (W1405000)
2013058036 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 6440.1
2013051003 City of Long Beach Mobility Element
2013058010 State Water Resources Control Board Petition for Extension of Time for Permit 16338 of Calaveras Public Utility District
2013042079 San Joaquin County PA-1300060 (TA)
2013058014 State Water Resources Control Board Temporary Urgenc Change Petition Filed by Sonoma County Water Agency
2013051004 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Elephant Trunk Slide Permanent Restoration
2013052003 Lake Madrone Water District Repair of Outlet Pipe and Gate Valve on Lake Madrone Dam
2013058117 California Energy Commission Novel Flex Fuel Oxidation for Distributed Generation
2013058011 California Department of Industrial Relations Lease of Existing Office Space
2012108318 Irvine Ranch Water District Well 115 Replacement
2013058118 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5 (CDFW) Piru Creek Water Division - Routine Maintenance
2007041017 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Right of Entry Permit for the East Branch Extension, Phase 2 Project
2013058012 California Department of Industrial Relations Lease of Existing Office Space
2013032041 Placer County King Beach Commercial Core Improvement Project - Rainbow Parking Lot (PMPB 20120310)
2013052006 City of Hercules Franklin Canyon/Fernandez Ranch Project
2013051007 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Bull Creek Road Retaining Wall
2013051010 Ventura County Watershed Protection District Sespe Creek Levee Improvements Project
2011122079 Placer County Placer County Sewer Maintenance District 3 Regional Sewer Project, #1600-2013-0003-R2
2013058015 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5 (CDFW) Los Trancos Creek Restoration Project
2013058353 City of Fort Bragg Otis Johnson Park Three Parking Space LID Renovation
2013051005 City of San Luis Obispo Old Garden Creek
2013052004 City of Hillsborough Hillsborough Fire Hazard Mitigation and Fuel Reduction Program
2013058018 California State Lands Commission Consideration of Proposed Expenditures of 10,500,000 of Tideland Oil Revenue Funds by the City of Long Beach for Capital Improvement Projects
2006061140 Orange County Addendum to Final EIR 584 and Final EIR 589 for the Canada Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin Project, Canada Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin Project
2013051008 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Proposed Remedial Action Plan for Groundwater - Operable Unit 2
2003021141 Orange County Addendum to Final EIR 584 for the Canada Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin Project, Canada Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin Project