SCH Number 2013052006
Project Info
- Title
- Franklin Canyon/Fernandez Ranch Project
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2014-0194-R3, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Muir Heritage Land Trust. The Project is limited to the construction of eight pedestrian, clear-span, stream crossings associated with the installation of 3.25 miles of 4 foot wide, multi-use dirt trails connecting the Fernandez Ranch Open Space to the Franklin Ranch. All bridges/boardwalks will be four feet wide with abutments above top of bank for a clear-span at each crossing. The bridges will consist of 8x8 pressure treated beams placed on 8 inch deep by 16 inch wide bases of gravel and secured in place using 5-foot pieces of rebar as necessary. Each crossing will require excavation of a 1.5 foot wide, 4 foot long area for the abutments. When the distance to the bottom of the channel is greater than 30 inches wooden railing will be installed. All staging and personnel will enter and exit the Project area at the staging location off Christie Road in the Fernandez Ranch.
2 documents in project