Wednesday, April 24, 2013

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42 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013048138 California Department of Parks and Recreation Residence 14 Repairs
2013048161 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Coverting Existing Right of Way into DOT Easement
2013048155 Placer County Ellis Front Setback Variance
2011082051 City of Oakdale Oakdale 2030 General Plan, Climate Action Plan, Crane Crossing Specific Plan, & Sierra Pointe Specific Plan
2013048158 Placer County Vian Enterprise
2013042069 Contra Costa County Land Use Permit for a Proposed AT&T Free-Standing Telecommunications Facility (CF#LP12-2134)
2013048146 Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District Conveyance of Up to 10,000 acre-feet of Friant Recirculation Water stored in San Luis Reservoir to be Conveyed in the California Aqueduct and Delivered to Tular
2013021053 San Luis Obispo County Hill Minor Use Permit
2013048152 Placer County Gibbs
2013041076 California City Initial Study, Negative Declaration and Zone Change (ZC) 185
2013042072 Santa Clara County Cornelio Grading Abatement
2013048149 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Caltrans Purchase of High Efficiency Sweeper
2013048153 Placer County Starbucks Temporary Cafe Trailer
2011112013 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application No. 2011-11 - Beltran Ranch Solar Facility
2013048150 City of El Cajon Aministrative Zoning Permit No. 24
2013042070 City and County of San Francisco Central Corridor Plan
2013048147 City of Lodi Sacramento Street Pedestrian Enhancements and Beautification Project
2013048141 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Re-Occurring Prescribed Fire Training AEU/Sutter Hill
2013048144 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento Calpine SRGS Pipeline Remediation Project
2013042068 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Transfer of Excess Land Parcel Near 5th and R Streets
2013048145 Sonoma County Water Agency Petition Requesting Approval of a Temporary Urgency Change in Water Right Permits 12947A, 12949, 12950, and 16596
2013042071 City of Redding Site Development Permit SDP-2012-00976, By Little County Church
2013048148 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Industrial Road Ditch Cleaning
2011042021 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Sandstone Creek Curve Correction
2012011010 Los Angeles County Sanitation District Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District Chloride Compliance Facilities Plan
2012102036 Butte County Whisper Ridge UP12-0006/REZ12-0001/LLA12-0010 & 12-0011
2013048139 California Department of Parks and Recreation Signs for Bixel Brewery
2013049012 Butte County Withdrawn - Refer to SCH# 2012102036
2013048162 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Upgrade Chain-on Area-on I-5
2013048142 California Department of Parks and Recreation Santa Susana Trail and LAN 448-449 Stabilization
2013048156 Placer County Harmon
2013048159 California Department of Parks and Recreation Residence 9 Shed
2013048160 California Department of Parks and Recreation Feral Pig and Cattle Exclusion Fence
2013048140 California Department of Parks and Recreation Residence 43 Evaporative Cooler Installation
2013048163 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Repair 2.5 Miles - (SR) 161
2013042066 City of Oakland Oakland Coliseum Area Specific Plan
2013048143 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pine Lodge Electrical Upgrade
2013048137 California Department of Parks and Recreation Beach Water Main Repair
2013048154 Placer County Picchi
2013048157 Placer County Montoya
2013041075 City of Los Angeles AA-2012-919-PMLA and ENV-2012-920-MND
2013048151 California Department of Parks and Recreation Doe Flats Vault Toilet Installation