Monday, January 14, 2013

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25 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2012102044 Alameda County Safety Element
2013012043 City of Alameda Alameda Point General Plan and Zoning Amendments, Master Infrastructure Plan, and Town Cetner and Waterfront Plan
2013012036 Butte County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Lake Oroville Area Public Utility District Sphere of Influence Update
2012072021 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Seven Bridges Scour Repair Project
2003052021 California Department of Transportation, District 4 I-80/I-680/State Route 12 Interchange Project
1991022072 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters State Route 180 - Wahtoke Bridge & Culvert Project - Agreement 2009-0089-R4
2013018082 Del Norte County CSA #1 and CSA #2 Sewer Lift Station Improvements
2013018079 City of El Cajon ZR 2306; TSM 654; & PUD 340
2013018080 City of El Cajon Amendment of Zoning Ordinance No. 421
2013018086 California Energy Commission Grant Award # ARV-12-014 to City of Monterey Park (Recipient)
2013018081 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2012-0286-R1, Bagley Jeep Trail
2013018083 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander E.R. Valencia Lagoon Habitat Protection Project
2013018084 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Observatory Hill Fuels Reduction Project
2007071114 City of Lancaster Downtown Lancaster Specific Plan and Downtown Lancaster Gateway Project
2013011016 City of Monterey City of Monterey Sanitary Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation (Project); Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-5228-110, 210
2013018085 California Department of Parks and Recreation Exotic Plant Removal
2013011017 City of Port San Luis Central Coast Salmon Enhancement White Seabass Growout Pens
2012041048 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Point View Master Plan (Planning Case No. ZON2010-00087, a Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan Review and Environmental Assessment)
2007051156 Riverside County Bundy Canyon Road/Scott Road Improvement Project
2012072026 City of Roseville Louis/Orlando Transfer Point (LOTP) Improvement Project
2013012035 Sonoma County Water Agency Westside Facility Project
1998022040 State Water Resources Control Board Moorehouse Reservoir Repairs
2012092006 Trinity County Wildwood Road at Hayfork Creek Bridge Replacement Project
2012111094 City of Truckee Truckee River Legacy Trail Phase 3B
2013012034 City of Vacaville Basic American Food Site Policy Plan Amendment