Tuesday, February 14, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-02-14
- Edit Search
25 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012021031 | NEG | Arvin-Edison Water Storage District | Arvin-Edison Water Storage District and Metropolitan Water District 12-Month Water Exchange Project | |
2012028190 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Replace Damaged Overhead Signs at SCL 101, 85, and ALA 880 | |
2000011033 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | State Route 46 - Corridor Improvement Project Phase 3 - Agreement 2011-0206-R4 | |
2012028188 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Green Guide for Sustainable Energy Efficient Refrigerated Warehouses | |
2012021032 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2007-0365-MND-REC2 / 5241-5245 W. Santa Monica Blvd. and 5238-5246 Virginia Ave. | |
2010051046 | NOP | March Joint Powers Authority | March Inland Port Airport General Aviation Facilities Development | |
2012028192 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Archaeological Testing-Parking Lot 4, Surveying-Entire Park (11/12-SD-28) | |
2004012013 | NOP | City of Pleasanton | Oak Grove Planned Unit Development Project | |
2012022038 | NOP | Reclamation District 1601 | Twitchell Island Levee Improvement Project - San Joaquin River Reach | |
2012028191 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit Reissuance | |
2012028194 | NOE | San Diego County Water Authority | Escondido Operations Facility Antenna Replacement | |
2012028195 | NOE | San Diego County Water Authority | Twin Oaks FRS, Otay 10 FCF and Mt. Woodson Antenna Construction | |
2012028196 | NOE | San Diego County Water Authority | Red Mountain and Hubbard Hill Antennae Construction | |
2012028197 | NOE | San Diego County Water Authority | Vallecitos 10 Antenna Tower Construction | |
2012022040 | MND | Santa Cruz County | Mansfield House | |
2009072011 | EIR | Shasta County | Sierra Pacific Industries Cogeneration Power Project | |
2009011010 | FIN | State Water Resources Control Board | Eagle Mountain Pumped Storage Project | |
2012028198 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Removal Action Workplan, 485 South Monroe | |
2012028199 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Removal Action Workplan for Deep Soil, Former Honeywell Turbo Technologies Facility | |
2012022039 | NOP | City of Turlock | Morgan Ranch Master Plan | |
1991124013 | FIN | United States Department of Energy | HYDROPOWER LICENSE | |
2012028193 | NOE | University of California, Davis | Hospital Wireless Access Point Installation | |
2009061051 | NOD | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Supplement to the Crane Valley Dam Seismic Retrofit Project Final EIR | |
2012028189 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Meridian Farms Water Company Dredging | |
2012022037 | NEG | Fish & Game #2 | Coastside Fishing Club Acclimation of Fall Run Chinock Salmon in Net Pens at Pillar Point Harbor |