Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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22 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2010081043 City of Camarillo Tentative Tract Map 5812, Springville LLC
2011048031 Central Valley Flood Protection Board West Sacramento Project - North Reach Levee Repair Soil Characterization Study
2011041018 City of San Luis Obispo Tentative Parcel Map and Setback Exception Request
2011042011 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Smoot Sink Storm Damage Repair Project
2011022060 Sequoia Union High School District Sequoia Union High School District Bus Yard Project
2003011110 Los Angeles Community College District Los Angeles Valley College Facilities Master Plan
2011041021 Kern County Withdrawn EIR JRK 02-11 Pahnamid Wind Energy Project by Terra-Gen Power, LLC.
2006071008 Santa Barbara County Lompoc Wind Energy Project - Geotechnical Boring, Pacific Renewable Energy Generation LLC (CA Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2010-025-05
2010062029 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Mococo Overhead Seismic Restoration Project
2008041009 University of California, Merced University of CA, Merced Campus and Community North Project (CA Endangered Species Act Incidient Take Permit No. 2081-2009-010-04 (ITP))
2011048032 California Department of Parks and Recreation Install Gate and Fencing at Rally Loop
2005061150 City of Fresno City of Fresno Plan Amendment No. A-10-005 amending the FYI Environs Plan and EIR/EIS No. 10136 for FYI Improvements
2011041016 Kern County EIR 04-11 SSK; High Desert Solar by Element Power; Conditional Use Permit 34, Map 196; (PP11225)
2011042015 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Solar Panel Project at the Caltrans Transportation Lab Facility
2011022041 Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District Shasta River Tailwater Reduction Project
2011041019 City of Los Angeles Atwater Crossings (ATX)
2011048033 California Department of Parks and Recreation San Bruno Moutain State Park - San Bruno Gift
2011048030 California Department of Parks and Recreation Loafer Campground Loop Trail Reroutes
2011041020 Los Angeles County Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension (MGLEE) Quadrant Gates Project
2009052002 California Department of Transportation, District 3 State Route 9 Safety Project
2011042013 City of Mammoth Lakes UPA 10-005 Search and Rescue Facility
2011042010 Colusa County TPM #10-7-1, Harris Court Partners, ED #10-29