Wednesday, February 6, 2008

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34 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007062046 Sonoma County Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan for The Springs Redevelopment Project (Formerly known as Sonoma Valley Redevelopment Project)
2008021019 Monterey County Syar Industries (Monterey County RMA - Planning Department File # PLN060550)
2007041101 City of South Gate South Gate Gateway Project
2008028026 Western Municipal Water District Chino II Desalter Expansion
2008028046 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Trashrake and Trashrake Replacement, Dos Amigos Pumping Plant
2008021016 City of Calexico Proposed 2008 Amendment No. 4 to the Merged Central Business District and Residential Redevelopment Project
2007062038 Placer County Penryn Townhomes Planned Development
2008021017 East Valley Water District Plant 134 Water Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion Project
2008028044 California Department of Parks and Recreation Expand District Parking Lot, Lake Perris SRA (07/08-IE-09)
2006061024 Fresno County Del Rey Community Plan and Sewer and Water Master Plan Update
2008022027 University of California UCSF Institute for Regeneration Medicine
2008022024 City of Oroville City of Oroville General Plan Update
2008028041 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Auburn Slide Slope 03-2E030
2008028038 California Department of Parks and Recreation Repairs to Moriarity House Windows
2007061056 City of La Quinta Eden Rock at PGA West
2008022028 City of Orland Prezone #2006-04 and Annexation #2006-03
2008028045 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Department of Transportation - Carlsbad Construction Office
2008028042 California State University, San Francisco (SFSU) Children's Campus
2006121056 City of Irvine Irvine Technology Center (ITC)
2008021020 San Diego County Wireless Telecommunications Facility - Clevenger Canyon; P06-092, Log No. 06-09-024
2008022025 Siskiyou County Robert Davidson and Tabbetha Bennett Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-06-19)
2008028039 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Grant of Entry Permit and Permanent Easement and Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of a Traffic Signal on Metropolitan Property at the Intersection of Wa
2008028037 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Contra Costa County Sanitation District No. 5, Port Costa Wastewater Treatment Plan, Reissuance of NPDES Permit
2008022026 City of Sacramento 300 R Mixed Use
2008028043 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Ranch 1: 5110 Bloomfield Road, Sebastopol
2008028043 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Ranch 2: 11207 Valley Ford Road, Petaluma
2008028043 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Ranch 3: 9420 Valley Ford Road, Petaluma
2008028043 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Ranch 4: 13200 Valley Ford Road, Petaluma
2008028043 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Ranch 5: 15007 Hwy. 1 and 14715 Valley Ford Estero Rd., Valley Ford
2008028043 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Ranch 6: 15000 Hwy. 1, Valley Ford
2008028040 Fish & Game #7 Mojave River and Oro Grande - Restoration of Base Flood Capacity
2008021021 City of Los Angeles Boyle Heights Community Plan Project
2008021018 City of Lancaster Site Plan Review 07-18
2008021015 City of Highland General Plan Amendment 007-001, Amendment to the General Plan Chapter 2, Land Use Element (Applicant: Mr. Young Shin)