Friday, April 6, 2007

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49 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007041030 Kern County EIR01-07; Blackhawk II Development (PP06251) & Northwest Land and Development Project (PP07237)
2007042049 Shasta County Parcel Map 06-059
2007044001 United States Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Fielding and Operation of High Energy Mobile X-Ray Inspection Systems at the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
2007042046 Napa County Mansfield/Baker Vineyard Conversion Project #04086-ECPA
2007041038 City of Santa Barbara 226 & 232 Eucalyptus Hill Drive
2006072101 City and County of San Francisco 2225-2255 Third Street, San Francisco Planning Department Case No. 2002.1302E
2007042043 Department of General Services (DGS) Library and Courts Renovation Project
2007048051 California Department of Parks and Recreation California Riding and Hiking Trail Reroute at Paso Picacho (06/07-CD-12)
2007042040 Humboldt County Humboldt Sanitation Minor Subdivision, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit
2007041041 Los Angeles Unified School District South Region Elementary School No. 5
2007012116 Sacramento Municipal Utility District Apple Computer 69-kV Electric Distribution Project
2006012101 Trinity County Indian Creek Rehabilitation Site: Trinity River Mile 93.7 to 96.5
2007042044 Napa County Costa Vineyard Conversion Project #03020-ECPA
2007042041 Sacramento County Kohnke Parcel Map and Lot Reduction Permit
2005081069 City of Goleta Costco Gasoline Station
2007041039 Santa Barbara County Rancho San Fernando Rey Lot Line Adjustment
2007022095 City of Berkeley Outdoor Advertising Sign Removal and Relocation
2007041033 San Luis Obispo County North River Road Widening Project ED06-047 (300277)
2007048049 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cudahy Riparian Fence, Red Rock Canyon SP (06/07-IE-35)
2006022089 San Joaquin County Vernalis West and East Project
2007042038 Placer County Lakeside Oaks Business Park (PSUB T20060692)
2007041036 City of Irvine Avalon Jamboree Village, Phase II, Residential Project EIR
2007042052 El Dorado County Cameron Park Courthouse Expansion
2007048046 California Department of Parks and Recreation Black Oak Distribution System, Silverwood Lake (06/07-IE-33)
2005072145 City of Colusa City of Colusa General Plan Update
2007041040 City of San Marcos GPA 05-93(B), R-06-131, SP8729, TPM 659, SDP 06-318 and CUP 06-689
2007048050 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Lane Improvements
2006061048 City of Adelanto Location and Development Plan 06-03
2007042039 Humboldt County Schnepf Minor Subdivision and Special Permit
2007041037 San Bernardino County TT17909
2007042050 Shasta County Use Permit Amendment 99-82A
2007041031 San Diego County Giffen, TPM 20826RPL^2; ER 04-09-008
2005092096 City of Lodi Southwest Gateway Project and Other Areas to be Annexed
2007041034 San Luis Obispo County DRC2006-00026 / Koerber Minor Use Permit
2007042047 City of Lincoln Creekside Village Project
2007048047 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sawpit Waterline Replacement, Silverwood Lake (06/07-IE-27)
2007042051 Shasta County Parcel Map 06-071 - Chuck
2003122003 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) San Quentin State Prison Condemned Inmate Complex
2007041032 San Luis Obispo County Public Works - Lake Nacimiento Watershed Mercury Sediment Reduction Project; ED00-359 (300341)
2007042057 City of Ross Ross General Plan 2007-2025
2007041035 City of Victorville Tentative Tract PLN07-00035
2007048048 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mojave Ground Squirrel Survey, Red Rock Canyon SP (06/07-IE-36)
2002101095 California Department of Transportation, District 7 San Bernardino Freeway (Interstate 10) from Interstate 605 to State Route 57/71 and Interstate 210
2007042042 City of Rio Dell City of Rio Dell Conditional Use Permit for a Monopole with a Maximum Height of 130 Feet for United States Cellular, a Tenant of the City of Rio Dell
2007042048 Shasta County Parcel Map 06-067 and Zone Amendment 06-039
2005101125 City of Pasadena Ambassador West (Residential, School, and Office Space)
2007041043 City of Bakersfield West Village Project
2006101174 Department of Toxic Substances Control Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvent Plume at Operable Unit 24, Naval Air Station, North Island
2007042045 City and County of San Francisco 1634-1690 Pine Street, San Francisco Planning Department Case NO. 2004-0764E