SCH Number 2006072101
Project Info
- Title
- 2225-2255 Third Street, San Francisco Planning Department Case No. 2002.1302E
- Description
- The 50,000 square foot project site is located on 3rd Street, between 19th and 20th Streets. The proposed project would preserve and renovate two existing historic buildings and construct three new buildings above a new below-grade parking podium. The project would be approximately 242,185 square feet (sq. ft.), including approximately 179 residential units, a 5,262 sq. ft. restaurant, 11,434 sq. ft. of retail, a 2,393 sq. ft. day-care, a below-grade parking garage accessed from Illinois Street with approximately 157 parking spaces, 50 bicycle spaces, and two off-street loading spaces. The two new structures along Third Street would be 35 feet in height, at which point, the building would be setback 20 feet from the property line and would be 50 feet in height. The new building along Illinois Street would be 65 feet in height.
2 documents in project