Wednesday, March 28, 2007
- Received Date
- 2007-03-28
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46 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2007031145 | NOP | City of Barstow | River Ranch Residential Development, Tentative Tract Map No. 18457 | |
2007038269 | NOE | Brooktrails Community Services District | Rubber Spillway Project - Core Drillings Requirement Only | |
2007011104 | NOD | California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) | California State University Long Beach, Outpost Food Service Replacement Building, Schematic Plan Approval | |
2003111016 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | Improvements to Highway 1 at Pitkins Curve/Rainrocks | |
2005121129 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | Replace Hollister Overcrossing | |
2003051094 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Plainsburg/Arboleda Freeway Project | |
2007038288 | NOE | California Energy Commission | Optimizing Human Factors in the Lighting Efficiency Equation | |
2007011122 | NOD | Kern County Water Agency | Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 Cross River Pipeline | |
1993112027 | NOD | City of Lathrop | River Islands at Lathrop - Resolution No. 03-1456, Reaffirming the Williamson Act Contract Cancellation | |
2007031142 | FON | City of Lindsay | CCPI/VitaPakt Infrastructure | |
2007031144 | NEG | Los Angeles County | Mixed-Use Ordinance | |
1990020181 | NOD | City of Modesto | P-ABD-06-001/Abandonment of Chandon Drive (Silver Oak Communities LLC) | |
2006112126 | NOD | City of Oakley | Aspen Place, Residential Subdivision 9044 | |
2007038275 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repair Lower Spring Road (FEMA #1993) | |
2007038287 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Accessibility Improvements | |
2007038290 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Fence and Gate Installation | |
2007038289 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repair Access Road | |
2007038272 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Whitehouse Creek Concrete Stream Barrier Removal | |
2007038291 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Construct Wagon Shed and Access Path, Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park | |
2007032151 | NEG | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Mammoth Bar Motocross (MX) Track Repair | |
2007038273 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Septic Tank Replacement | |
2007038274 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Install Two Residential Trailer Pads and Vehicle Access | |
2007031143 | NEG | Riverside County | Coachella Valley Composting Facility (CVCF) | |
2007038285 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Dillion Road Community Center | |
2007038279 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Doris Mechanick Preschool | |
2007038276 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Coachella Valley Women's Business Center | |
2007038277 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Asphalt Resurfacing | |
2007038280 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Facilities Renovation | |
2007038283 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Facility Remodeling Project | |
2007038284 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Road Improvement Program | |
2007038281 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Inland Empire Small Farm Initiative | |
2007038278 | NOE | Riverside County Economic Development Agency | Oasis Mural Project | |
2004101014 | SIR | City of San Buenaventura | City of Ventura 2005 General Plan Draft EIR Supplement | |
2007032150 | MND | San Juan Unified School District | Del Campo High School Stadium Lighting Project | |
2006071050 | EIR | City of Santa Clarita | City of Santa Clarita Enterprise Zone Application | |
2006072103 | NOD | City of Santa Rosa | Santa Rosa Citywide Creek Master Plan | |
2007032155 | NEG | City of Scotts Valley | Quarry Site Mixed-Use Project | |
2005032047 | NOD | City of Truckee | Knights Crossing | |
2007031146 | NOP | City of Twentynine Palms | Granite Construction Company Twentynine Palms Mine Expansion and Reclamation Plan | |
2007031147 | NEG | City of Victorville | Tentative Tract PLN07-00025 (18302) and Tentative Tract PLN07-00026 (18303) | |
2007032154 | MND | City of Williams | Gobel Ranch | |
2007032153 | MND | Yuba County | Tentative Parcel Map #TPM2006-0022 | |
2007032152 | MND | Yuba County | Tentative Parcel Map #TPM2006-0032 | |
2007032149 | MND | Yuba County | TPM2006-0056 (Middlebrook) | |
2007038286 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Hasley Canyon Debris Basins and Storm Drain Maintenance | |
2007032148 | NOP | Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services | Pacific Herring Commercial Fishing Regulations |