Friday, September 1, 2000

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56 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2000099001 Alameda County Twin Creeks Project at Sulphur Creek
2000072073 Alpine County Palisades Townhomes
1993111069 City of Antioch Specific Plan For Future Urbanization Area and Higgins Ranch
1991013066 City of Brentwood Brentwood Country Club
1999041103 California State Lands Commission Southern Trails Pipeline Project
2000098017 California Department of Transportation, District 10 Add a Northbound Auxilliary Lane over the Smith Canal (Bridge No. 29-173R)
2000062039 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Capital City Freeway (State Route 51) / Interstate 80 Connector Widening
2000091011 City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Carmel Bluff and Beach Access Improvement Project
1995113006 City of Concord Iron Horse Trail Facilities at Concord Avenue
1996013003 Contra Costa County Plan for Wastewater Utility Service to Dougherty Valley
1999082086 City of Cupertino Vallco Fashion Park Redevelopment Plan
1988100406 City of Dublin Donlan Canyon Residential Development
2000062085 Elk Grove Unified School District Elk Grove Unified School District 8th High School and Middle School
2000091012 Fresno County Shaver Lake Forest Golf Development
2000092003 City of Hercules Refugio Valley Road Widening and Overlay
2000098003 Hueneme School District Johnson Road Bridge Seismic Retrofit
2000098008 Hueneme School District Las Trampas Creek Stream Stabilization
2000089074 Humboldt County Streambed Alteration Agreement for Notification #00-0479, applications propose commercial gravel extraction from the
2000091005 Huntington Beach Union High School District Marina High School Sports Field Nighttime Lighting
2000091002 City of Imperial Beach Burton/Cook Residences -EIA 00-11/MF 502
2000091009 City of Imperial Beach Moore Residence-EIA 00-13/MF 504
2000031003 City of La Habra La Habra Westridge Plaza
2000091003 Monte Vista Water District Well 28 project
2000091010 City of Murrieta Address Implementation of the Creekside Village Specific Plan
2000091017 Orange County Oakridge Private School
2000098004 California Department of Parks and Recreation Old Sacramento State Historic Park
2000098007 California Department of Parks and Recreation Porch Enclosure
2000098013 California Department of Parks and Recreation Lepidium Eradication
2000098016 California Department of Parks and Recreation Capital Repair
2000098010 California Department of Parks and Recreation Reroofing
2000098011 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mission Funigation
2000098005 California Department of Parks and Recreation Retaining Wall Replacement
2000098006 California Department of Parks and Recreation Structural Repairs
2000098015 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mill Reroofing
2000098009 California Department of Parks and Recreation Reroofing
2000098012 California Department of Parks and Recreation Confluence Access Trail
2000098014 California Department of Parks and Recreation ADA Accessibility Improvements
2000091014 Parlier Unified School District New Elementary School Project
1996013005 City of Pleasanton SP-95-02 Pre-Zoning of the San Francisco Water Department Bernal
2000071057 San Bernardino Community College District San Bernardino Valley College Seismic Mitigation Project
2000021039 San Diego County Summer Glen, TM 5122, RPL 2 Vac 97-014, Log No. 97-14-030
2000099002 San Diego County Lantis Minor Subdivision and Site Plan, TPM 20420, S99-038, Log No. 99-08-004
1995081014 San Diego County Santa Fe Valley Specific Plan
2000091019 San Manuel Band of Mission Indians San Manuel Casino Expansion Operation
2000051039 City of Santa Barbara Summer Glen, TM 5122, RPL 2 Vac 97-14-030
2000091001 City of Santa Maria Zoning Text Amendments
2000092001 Shasta County General Plan Amendment Number 01-002, Zone Amendment Number 01-013, Use Permit Number 00-20 & Reclamation Plan Number 00-02, Proposed Mining, Asphalt Plant and
2000092004 City of St. Helena St. Helena Safeway Store Expansion
2000098001 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 23-601-21 (Rajewsky)
2000098002 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to Placer County APN 83-300-52
2000051104 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) KW Plastics of California Class 3 Permit Modification
2000098036 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Three-year Variance Renewal to Fresno County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program- HHWVAR970401R
2000091006 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Hazardous Waste Facility Storage Permit, Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake
2000098021 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan for NASA Area of Investigation 10
2000098037 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) HHWVAR970904R--Three-year Variance Renewal to Humboldt County for Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) Program
2000094001 United States Air Force (USAF) Physical Fitness Center Complex