Wednesday, September 1, 1999

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35 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1998051072 Orange County Transportation Authority Orange County Centerline Rail Project
1999098011 Fish & Game #2 Channel Widening-Tributary to Laguna Creek
1999091001 University of California, Los Angeles Intramural Field Parking Structure
1999071087 San Diego County Water Authority Relocation of Pipeline 3 at Chevy Chase Apartments
1999098002 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to El Dorado County APN 33-701-03 (Taylor)
1999092008 Napa County Integrated Mosquito Management Program
1999098008 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Auburn Ravine Flood Damage Repair Project
1997112030 Sacramento County Jungkeit Dairy Rezone and Vesting Subdivision Map ( Control Number ): 96-RZB-SVB-0645
1999032035 City of Concord Costco Wholesale Project
1999098009 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Moitoike Surface Water Pump
1998082073 Placer County Bickford Ranch Specific Plan
1999072081 Placer County Westshore Cafe Relocation (EIAQ-3453)
1999072118 Georgetown Divide Public Utilities District Community Disposal Field Rehabilitation and Expansion
1999091004 Riverside County Riverside County Ordinance No. 744 Regulating Green Waste Processing Facilities/Environmental Assesment No. 37665
1999092006 Cameron Park Airport District (CAPD) Runway Turnaround
1999094001 City of San Diego Anthony's Pizza Acquisition
1999092003 Humboldt County Redwood Empire Public Television, Inc., Barry Ridge HDTV Transmission Facility
1999098003 California Tahoe Conservancy License for access across Conservancy property
1999092009 Sonoma County Mini-Warehouse Facility (PLP 98-0028, 3512 Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa)
1999061100 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Correctional Treatment Center - CA Institution for women
1999098001 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to Placer County APN 117-040-029 (Smith)
1999092007 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan, Town & Country Village Shopping Center
1999098004 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Coverage to El Dorado County APN 22-112-06 (Tye)
1999091002 Santa Margarita Water District NONDOMESTIC WATER PROGRAM EXPANSION IN ID NOS. 1, 3, 4B 4D, & 7 SMWD
1999091005 City of El Monte Maxson Road Senior Housing Project
1999092004 City of Yreka Land Application of Yreka Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge
1999062031 Dublin San Ramon Services District Dublin San Ramon Services District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and Improvements Project
1999091003 City of Lompoc Santa Ynez River Bridge Bicycle Path Project #ER 98-16
1999092005 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services 1999 Central Coast Region Fishery Restoration Grants Program
1999091006 San Diego, Port of National City Marine Terminal Improvements
1999092002 Palermo Union School District Via Canela Elementary School
1999098010 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Ord Ferry Stream Gage Intake Tube Installation
1999098007 California State University Board of Trustees Modular Complex
1998101012 City of Beaumont YUBA RIVER BASIN