SCH Number 2017062058

Project Info

*Project Withdrawn* General Plan Amendments and Update of Vehicle Miles Traveled Standards
*Project Withdrawn - Duplicate. Please refer to SCH# 2022020463.* The project consists of the following elements: General Plan amendments to establish the Livable Employment Area Community Plan (Livable Employment Area Community Plan); upgrade the City’s Travel Demand Model, update the City’s VMT thresholds and guidelines, and develop new VMT screening tool; designate an approximately 60-acre site for a future zoo and designate this site as Park on the General Plan Land Use Plan; adjustments to the General Plan Land Use Plan; and, revise the General Plan capacity to Increase dwelling units and population capacity and decrease employment (jobs).
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21 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Sacramento Region 5 (RWQCB) Summerset Estates Project
City of Elk Grove City of Elk Grove General Plan Amendments and Update of Vehicle Miles Traveled Standards
City of Elk Grove Climate Action Plan Update and Implementation
City of Elk Grove The Lyla (PLNG21-037)
City of Elk Grove *Project Withdrawn* General Plan Amendments and Update of Vehicle Miles Traveled Standards
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City of Elk Grove Transportation Analysis Guidelines Amendment
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City of Elk Grove General Plan Amendment 2019-2
City of Elk Grove Climate Action Plan Amendment
City of Elk Grove Laguna Ridge Specific Plan Update
City of Elk Grove Park Design Principles
City of Elk Grove Transportation Analysis Guidelines
City of Elk Grove 2019 Climate Action Plan Update
City of Elk Grove General Plan Update
City of Elk Grove City of Elk Grove General Plan Update Project
City of Elk Grove City of Elk Grove General Plan Update Project