Friday, October 14, 2016
- Received Date
- 2016-10-14
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48 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2016021109 | NOD | City of Adelanto | Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code | |
2016108166 | NOE | City of Adelanto | Conditional Use Permit 16-18 | |
2016102038 | NOP | City of Arcata | The Village Student Housing Project | |
2015041064 | NOD | City of Banning | Rancho San Gorgonio Specific Plan | |
2016108158 | NOE | City of Blue Lake | Greenwood Road/Railroad Avenue Roadway Improvements | |
2016102037 | MND | Butte County | Nels Leen Minor Use Permit (MUP16-0008) | |
2015101098 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | Mohave Valley Conservation Area Backwater Project | |
2016072038 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | Mallard Farms Pipeline Replacement Project | |
2012082074 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | Tomales Bay Vessel Management Plan | |
2013072021 | NOD | California State Lands Commission | Low Energy Offshore Geophysical Permit Program (OGPP) Update | |
2016108161 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Covelo 2 | |
2016108162 | NOE | City of Dunsmuir | Planning for the Water Main Replacement Project and Downtown Tank Replacement Project | |
2010082043 | NOD | East Bay Regional Parks District | San Francisco Bay Trail: Pinole Shores to Bayfront Park | |
2016108164 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 3 (CDFW) | City of El Cerrito Routine Maintenance Agreement (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0192-R3) | |
2016102032 | NEG | City of Foster City | Initial Study/Draft Negative Declaration: Local Hazard Mitigation Plan/Safety Element of the General Plan | |
2016102039 | MND | Franklin-McKinley School District | Heritage Middle School Project Environmental Review | |
2016061003 | NOD | Fresno County | Initial Study Application No. 7108, Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3529 | |
2012041009 | FIN | City of Fresno | Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan, Fulton Cooridor Specific Plan, and Downtown Development Code | |
2015128088 | NOE | City of Grass Valley | Grass Valley Collection Improvement Project | |
2009091125 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | California High-Speed Train Project: Merced to Fresno Permitting Phase 1 and Fresno to Bakersfield Section, CP1C Permitting Phase 1 (Amendment No. 7 to Master S | |
2009091126 | NOD | California High Speed Rail Authority | California High-Speed Train Project: Merced to Fresno Permitting Phase 1 and Fresno to Bakersfield Section, CP1C Permitting Phase 1 (Amendment No. 7 to Master S | |
2016108163 | NOE | City of Holtville | Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments for Housing Element Compliance | |
2016101038 | NOP | City of Los Angeles | 1209 S. 6th Avenue - Case No. ENV-2014-1988-EIR | |
2011101035 | NOD | City of Los Angeles | Paramount Pictures Master Plan | |
2011041066 | NOD | Monterey County | Salinas River Stream Maintenance Program (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0016-R4) | |
2002041161 | NOD | Mt. San Antonio Community College | Mt. San Antonio College 2015 Facilities Master Plan Update and Physical Education Projects Final | |
2011122050 | NOD | Napa County | Napa County Stream Maintenance Program | |
2016108160 | NOE | Napa County Resource Conservation District | Reducing Road-Related Sediment Delivery via LandSmart* On-the-Ground | |
2016091034 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | The Race of Gentlemen Special Event Pismo Beach | |
2016108159 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Emerald Bay State Park | |
2016102031 | NEG | Placer County | Griff Creek Corridor and Public Access | |
2016102035 | MND | Placer County | Morgan Creek Residential (PLN16-00174) | |
2009121079 | NOD | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | East County Substation/Tule Wind/Energia Sierra Juarez Gen-Tie Projects | |
2016102036 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA-1600196 (MS) | |
2016101037 | MND | San Marcos Unified School District | La Costa Meadows Elementary School Reconstruction Project | |
2016102033 | NEG | City of San Mateo | East Hillsdale Boulevard Pedestrian and Bicycle Overcrossing Project | |
2005041031 | EIR | City of Santa Barbara | 1837 1/2 El Camino de la Luz Residence | |
2016072066 | NEG | Stanislaus County | Parcel Map - Application No. PLN2016-0032 - Krum | |
2016102030 | MND | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Gypsum Pond Removal Action Work Plan - Honeywell Bay Point Site | |
2016071052 | NOD | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Removal Action Workplan for Calsol Site | |
2016032052 | NOD | City of Tracy | Corral Hollow Road Utility Improvements Project | |
2016102034 | MND | City of Truckee | Triumph Development Hotel and Residential Project | |
2016042008 | NOD | City of Turlock | Conditional Use Permit 2016-06 (Ten Pin Fun Center) | |
2016101040 | NEG | Ventura County Air Pollution Control District | 2016 Ventura County Air Quality Management Plan | |
2012091035 | NOD | Water Replenishment of Southern California | Groundwater Basins Master Plan | |
2016108165 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Pit #6 Dam, No. 97-121 | |
2016101039 | NOP | Watershed Conservation Authority | San Gabriel River Confluence with Cattle Canyon Improvements Project | |
2013082011 | NOD | Yuba City | 5th Street Bridge Replacement Project |