SCH Number 2016072038

Project Info

Mallard Farms Pipeline Replacement Project
Chevron Pipeline Company proposes to replace an approx. 1.7-mile segment of the Bay Area Products Line Pittsburg-to-Sacramento lateral line with a replacement segment of the same size as the existing line. This project will not increase the line's capacity. Project will result in temporary impacts to 22.42 acres of Delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), Longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichtys), Chinook salmon, water-run (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and Chinook salmon, Sacramento River drainage spring-run (O. tshawytscha) habitat. The project is expected to result in incidental take of Delta smelt, Longfin smelt and Chinook salmon, which are designated as a threatened and endangered species under CESA. The ITP referenced above as issued by CDFW authorizes incidental take of species listed under CESA that may occur as a result of Project implementation.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California State Lands Commission Mallard Pipeline Replacement Project [California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2017-007-03 (ITP)]
California State Lands Commission Mallard Farms Pipeline Replacement Project
California State Lands Commission Mallard Farms Pipeline Replacement Project
California State Lands Commission Mallard Farms Pipeline Replacement Project