Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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33 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2015038232 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Brooktrails Township Fuel Reduction
2015038235 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Gordon Valley Fire Station Dozer Shed Construction
2015011030 City of Costa Mesa Ganahi Lumber Hardware Store and Lumber Yard (Planning Application No. PA-14-40)
2015038223 California Department of Parks and Recreation Quiroste Valley Cultural Preserve Vegetation Management
2009072094 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Soscol Flyover Improvement Project
2015038229 California Department of Parks and Recreation Metcalf Motorcycle County Park Ground Operations
2015034001 U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management West Mojave (WEMO) Route Network Project
2015031087 Kern County 5573RPN; a) Amendment of Zoning Map No. 123-36, Zone Change Case No. 15; b) Conditional Use Permit Case No. 11, Map 123-36; Gulzar Dhindsa by Pasquini Engineeri
2015038226 California Department of Parks and Recreation Tahoe National Forest Ground Operations
2015038230 California Department of Parks and Recreation Eldorado National Forest Ground Operations
2015031088 Laguna Beach County Water District Sweany Water Line Replacement Project
2015038227 California Department of Parks and Recreation Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Ground Operations
2015038233 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) MOA for Building 1514 History Center
2015032058 El Dorado County Saratoga Estates Subdivision (TM14-1520, PD14-0006 & Z14-0007)
2015038224 California Department of Parks and Recreation Maintenance Office Septic TAnk
2015031085 South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Amended Rules to Implement Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Revisions to the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines
2015038225 Merced County CML-5939(090) Merced County Sidewalks In-Fill Project
2015031083 Department of Toxic Substances Control Former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1): Remediation of Areas of Concern (AOCs), including approval of cleanup plans for AOC 045, AOC 108, 109, 056 Burn Si
2015038222 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) San Francisco BAy Trail - Vista Point Trail Soil Testing
2015031086 Angiola Water District Groundwater Land Retirement/Groundwater Conservation Easement Program
2014071028 City of Wildomar Elm Street Tentative Tract Map (Planning Application No. 08-0154/TM No. 33840)
2014091028 Kern County EIR JKM <07-14>; RE Garland Solar, by RE Garland, LLC
2015031089 United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Los Angeles-Long Beach Breakwater Repair Project
2015032079 City of Hayward Hayward 21st Century Library & Community Learning Center Project-Site Plan Review & Variance No. 201501354
1985042404 Sweetwater Authority Urban Runoff Diversion System Phase I Maintenance
2015032080 City of Sutter Creek 2014-2019 City of Sutter Creek Joint Housing Element
2015031084 Tulare County Hyder Ranch Sports Park, Special Use Permit PSP14-063
2015011041 California San Joaquin River Conservancy (SJRC) San Joaquin River Parkway Sycamore Island Pond Isolation Project
2015038231 University of California, Los Angeles Botanical Garden Pavillion
2014041113 City of Arcadia Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 14-01 and Residential Mountainous Development Permit No. RM 14-01
2015038228 California Department of Parks and Recreation Ground Operations - Rubicon Trail Routine Maintenance
2015038234 City of Turlock Swanson Centennial Park Development Project
2013121055 City of Los Alamitos City of Los Alamitos General Plan Update