Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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24 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008101142 San Bernardino County Victorville Sanitary Landfill Scalehouse Replacement Project
2007091074 City of Los Angeles The Wetherly Project
2008101145 San Diego County Heritage Park Master Plan Improvements
2008108415 Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) LCID/AVEK Exchange Agreement 2008
2006081066 City of El Cajon South Magnolia Subdivison
2008108418 Fish & Game #2 SR 29 Spruce Grove Road Widening and Left Turn Channelization SAA 1600-2008-0263-R2
2006081050 Madera County Madera County Dairy Standards Project
1992032074 Sacramento County Metro Air Park Forced Sewer Main Project - SAA 1600-2008-0213-R2
2008109026 City of San Diego Wightman Street Neighborhood Park
2008108416 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Permitting and operation of Indio Water Authority Plant 1 project: Water System # 3310020
2008101148 City of Los Angeles ENV-2008-3525-MND
2006041064 San Diego County Otay Valley Regional Park Trail Improvement Project - Acquisition of a Trail Easement - County Parcel No. 2007-0101-A, B (Nelson Family Trust) (DISTRICT: 1)
2008108417 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Humboldt Co. DPW - Sediment Excavation Pilot Test for Salt River Ecosystem Restoration
2008101143 San Diego County Boulder Creek Wireless Telecommunication Facility
2008102105 Napa County Drinkward Behrens Winery
2007092017 City of Grass Valley Idaho-Maryland Mine Project
2006092045 Roseland School District New School Site on Burbank Avenue
2008081080 San Diego County Sweetwater Reservoir Loop Trail: Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration and Authroize Negotiations for Acquisition of Right of Way (District 1, 2)
2008102099 Placer County Cook Riolo Road Bridge Replacement Project
2007022034 San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority Berkeley/Albany Ferry Terminal Study
2008118024 San Bernardino County Parcel Map No. 18844
2008091071 Rockford Elementary School District Rockford Elementary School Expansion
2008101144 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) David H. Fell & Co., Inc. Initial Study
2008102100 Placer County Walerga Road Bridge Replacement Project