Thursday, January 10, 2008

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28 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007071126 22nd District Agricultural Association, Del Mar Fairgrounds (22nd DAA) Del Mar Fairgrounds Arena Roof Project
2007111113 Arcadia Unified School District (AUSD) Arcadia High School Modernization
2008012027 Contra Costa County General Plan Amendment for Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
2008011029 City of Del Rey Oaks Resort at Del Rey Oaks
2008012030 El Dorado County A07-0005/ Z07-0012/ PD07-0007/ TM07-1440 Summerbrook
2008018061 California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) Lease of Existing Office Space
2008018062 California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) Lease of Existing Office Space
2008018069 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Monte Vista Forest Fire Station - Temporary Engine Relocation
2008018068 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) State Forest Fuel Reduction and Faller Training
2008018067 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Temecula FFS - Tree Removal Project
2007052100 Humboldt County Foothills Grizzly Bluff Gas Field Project CUP-06-22/CDP-06-71
2007112078 Humboldt County Walton Minor Subdivision
2008012029 Humboldt County Jones Final Map Subdivision
2007052042 Humboldt County Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia General Plan Amendment, Zone Reclassification, and Final Map Subdivision
2005072125 City of Modesto Tivoli Specific Plan Project
2008012028 Nevada County Washington Road (Forest Highway 123) Realignment and Resurfacing
2008018198 California Department of Parks and Recreation Alternative Camping Facility Development in Clear Lake SP
2008011027 City of Rolling Hills Estates Chandler Ranch/Rolling Hills Country Club Project
2002102025 Sacramento County Hazel Avenue Widening Project - Madison Avenue to US 50
2008011026 City of San Buenaventura Pierpont Beach Sand Management Plan
2008011028 San Diego County Hobbs Minor Subdivision; TPM 20985, Log No. 05-01-006
2008018066 Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) Santa Ana Regional Interceptor System Pipeline Joint Repair
2006072026 City of Suisun Wal-Mart Walters Road Project
2006062071 Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Feather River Levee Repair Project, an Element of the Yuba-Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project
2000032102 Town of Windsor Keiser Park Master Plan
2008018063 Fish & Game #2 Robbyn's Dock and Stairs (1600-2007-0387-R2)
2008018064 Fish & Game #2 State Route 162/Butte City Bridge Storm Damage Repair Project
2008018065 Fish & Game #3 Jones Property / Riverbank Willow Planting