Friday, June 30, 2006
- Received Date
- 2006-06-30
- Edit Search
50 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2006061171 | NEG | Adelanto Elementary School District | Proposed Site 21 K-8 School Project | |
2006061164 | NOP | City of Bakersfield | Stockdale Specific Plan Project GPA/ZC 06-0168 | |
2005111040 | EIR | City of Beverly Hills | Residences at Saks Fifth Avenue | |
2006061162 | NEG | Big Bear Municipal Water District | Renewal of Ski Area Water Supply Agreement | |
2006072007 | EA | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | I-580 / Castro Valley Interchange Project | |
2006011073 | NOD | Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) | Cahuilla II/Reservoir 6726-1 | |
2006068306 | NOE | Colusa County | ED #06-25 Mark Obrien/V&P Farms - General Partnership MUP#06-3-2 | |
2006051116 | NOD | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | Oxy Fee 82-32 Project | |
2006069036 | NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (Agreement) No. 06-0192 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-02-002HUM | |
2006068307 | NOE | Golden Valley Unified School District | Webster Elementary School Modernization | |
2006062153 | NEG | City of Half Moon Bay | Cameron's Inn | |
2006061163 | NOP | Imperial County | Pacific Ethanol Imperial | |
2005121066 | EIR | Long Beach Redevelopment Agency | Shoreline Gateway | |
2003111123 | FIN | Los Angeles County | Clearman's Village Project, Project No. 03-147 | |
2006041109 | NOD | Los Angeles Unified School District | Valley Region Early Education Center #1 | |
2006041107 | NOD | Los Angeles Unified School District | Valley Region Elementary School #6 | |
2006011135 | EIR | City of Los Banos | Villa Burano Area Plan | |
2006062154 | NOP | City of Mammoth Lakes | The Clearwater Specific Plan | |
2005122079 | EIR | City of Manteca | Oleander, Sundance, and Sundance 2 Development Projects | |
2006061161 | NOP | Merced County | Hilmar Community Plan Update | |
2005031010 | FIN | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Lake Perris Pollution Prevention and Source Protection Program | |
2003081086 | NOD | Monterey County | California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2005-047-03 for East Garrison Specific Plan | |
2006061170 | MND | City of Newport Beach | Our Lady Queen of Angels Church Expansion | |
2006068323 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Grizzly Bear House Historic Road and Meadow Rehabilitation | |
2006032060 | NOD | Placer County | Kemper Oaks Subdivision Unit 2 | |
2006042156 | NOD | Placer County | Sunny Hill/Metro PCS Cell Tower Extension (PMPB T20050827) | |
2006068324 | NOE | City of Placerville | Placerville Station Phase II - Park & Bus | |
2004012013 | EIR | City of Pleasanton | Oak Grove Planned Unit Development Project | |
2004022090 | NEG | Reclamation District No. 1004 | White Mallard Dam Fish Passage Project | |
2006062156 | NEG | City of Redding | Redding Retirement Residence Planned Development Plan PD-12-05, General Plan Amendment GPA-3-05, and Rezoning RZ-11-05 | |
2006068326 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Culvert Replacement on Green Valley Creek at Blue Bird Road | |
2005111034 | NOD | San Diego Association of Governments | Mira Mesa / Miramar College Transit Center | |
2005121082 | NOD | San Diego County | McCain Valley Road / TPM20719 / ER 03-21-001 | |
2006061167 | NEG | San Diego County | Plaza Bonita Bike Path | |
2006061166 | NEG | San Diego, Port of | Island Palms West Hotel | |
2006062155 | NOP | City and County of San Francisco | 1800 Mission Street, San Francisco Armory Mixed-Used Project | |
2006062157 | NOP | City and County of San Francisco | California Pacific Medical Center Seismic Compliance, Hospital Replacement, and Campus Renovation Program | |
2006068325 | NOE | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District: State Contingencies Addendum for the San Joaquin Valley PM10 SIP | |
2006061169 | MND | City of San Luis Obispo | Airport Business Center (ER 194-05) | |
2006061165 | NEG | Santa Barbara County | Live Oak Shale Mine Expansion | |
2006069037 | NOD | City of Santee | Walgreens (DR05-26) | |
2005072061 | NOD | Shasta County | Bear Mountain Road Realignment | |
2006062152 | NEG | Tehama County | U.P. #05-54, Pioneer Exploration (David Blanchard, Surface Owner) | |
2006062151 | NEG | Tehama County | U.P. #05-53, Pioneer Exploration (David Blanchard, Surface Owner) | |
1993051013 | EIR | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Hazardous Waste Management Facility - Exide Technologies, Inc. | |
2006051001 | NOD | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Renewal of Hazardous Waste Permit for Beckman Coulter Facility and Partial Closure of Inactive Haz Waste Mgmt Units | |
2006068310 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | DWR 2006 Critical Levee Emergency Repair Project | |
2006068309 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | DWR 2006 Critical Levee Emergency Repair Project | |
2006068308 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | DWR 2006 Critical Levee Emergency Repair Project | |
1993013042 | NOP | Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services | Sport Fishing Regulations (Ocean) |