Friday, January 16, 2004

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50 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003101122 Monterey County D'Arrigo Bros Co
2004012063 City of Elk Grove EG-03-526 Hoffman Meadows
2003074003 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Susanville Indian Rancheria 875-Acre Property
2004012083 City of Oakley Subdivision 8737 Mangini Property
2003081030 Delano Union School District (DUSD) Delano Comprehensive Campus #2
2003081030 Delano Union School District (DUSD) Delano Comprehensive Campus #2
2004012074 Contra Costa County LP032043 / MS030027
2004018174 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Approval of Shipley Company, L.L.C., Corrective Measures Study and Permit Modification for Termination of RCRA Permit
2004018177 State Water Resources Control Board Application to Appropriate Water Application: 30927
2004012077 City of Chico Vesting Tentative Parcel Map PM 03-17 (Wal-Mart/Pacland)
2000101015 Merced County Conditional Use Permit No. 00004, 2-Vel Dairy
2004018178 University of California UCLA Lease Extension for Use of the Rose Bowl
2004012078 Lake County Luchetti Ranch Use Permit to Mine and Reclamation Plan
2003101140 City of Firebaugh Water System Improvement Project
2004018175 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Approval of Removal Action Workplan for Syar Quarry Shooting Range
2004012084 City of Elk Grove Elk Grove Triangle SPA
2000031045 City of San Diego Pump Station 30A and Pipelines (Subsequent Action)
2004012075 Napa County Lakeview Boat Storage #03351-RZG and #03552-UP
2004012072 City of San Anselmo Memorial Park Entry Plaza and Skatepark
2004011073 City of Los Angeles Long Valley-Haiwee Power Line: Cartago to Los Angeles Aqueduct
2004018172 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) DWR Crafton Hills Reservoir Seepage Collection System
2003051061 Claremont Unified School District (CUSD) Claremont High School Athletic Field Expansion Project
2004018169 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) San Joaquin Dam, and Reservoir - Conversion to Reclaimed Water Storage
2003081088 City of Orange Project Final EIR
2004018192 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan Approval for Proposed Value Charter School Site
2004011070 Santa Barbara County Coral Casino Renovation Project Development Plan
2004018173 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan Approval for Proposed Ramblewood Park Elementary School Site, Franklin-McKinley School District
1992041037 San Diego County Santa Fe Creek, SPA 03-001, VAC 03-005, ER 92-08-010H
2004012073 City of Healdsburg Regrading and Demolition Plan for 32-Acre Parcel at 16977 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg
2004018170 Fish and Game Santa Barbara Harlan Schwartz Residence, Unnamed Creek Restoration
2003051079 City of Redondo Beach Target Store Project
2004012076 Placer County Safe and Sound Boat and RV Storage (EIAQ-3702)
2004018176 Glenn County Stony Creek Aquifer Performance Test
2004011068 City of San Diego Mission Bay Clean Beaches Initiative
2004012064 Humboldt County Kurt Kramer
2004012070 City of Sacramento Market West Shopping Center (P01-104)
2004011071 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sewer System Improvements
2003042026 City of Sacramento Airgas Annexation (P02-149, Q#106)
2004018171 Fish and Game Santa Barbara Bradley Lake 2 Lease Restoration
2003051143 Santa Barbara County Santa Maria Animal Shelter 03-ND-08
2003051143 Santa Barbara County Santa Maria Animal Shelter/Public Works Service Center
2004011072 Visalia Unified School District Pinkham Street Elementary School
2004012071 Sonoma County Minor Subdivision - MNS02-0008
2004011069 City of Torrance Lomita Boulevard - Residential Development
2004018168 California Department of Parks and Recreation Palomar Mountain- Boucher Lookout Rehab #5826
2003111028 City of Coalinga City of Coalinga Housing Element UPdate 2002-2007
2004012082 City of El Cerrito Cerrito Creek Greenway Phase II
2004012065 Hydesville County Water District HCWD Water System Improvement Project
2004012085 Contra Costa County Pacheco Pioneer Cemetery, Funeral Home and Crematory
1999042052 City of Oakland Leona Quarry Project