Wednesday, July 31, 2002

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24 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2000111133 Kings County Dairy Element of the Kings County General Plan/Zoning Ordinance Text Change No. 269.54
1992023048 Contra Costa County Cypress Lakes - 2918-RZ, 3032-90, SUB #7562
2002078468 State Water Resources Control Board Petition to Change Water Right Application #24636 Permit #16835 License #11215
2001112067 City of Chico Husa Ranch Subdivision
2002061093 Salton Sea Authority Vertical Tube Extraction (Desalination) Pilot Project
2002078471 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Decker Island Levee Bank Erosion Reduction Technology
2002041104 City of Santa Monica 212 Marine Street Mixed Use Project
2002071154 San Luis Obispo County ETO Minor Use Permit; D010308P
2002072114 Tehama County Tract 02-1004, James Harris
2002074009 United States Air Force (USAF) Orbital Reentry Corridor for the Generic Unmanned Lifting Entry Vehicles Landing at Edwards Air Force Base
2002061019 City of San Luis Obispo Upper San Luis Obispo Creek Dam Removal
2002071155 City of Malibu Subdivision Ordinance Amendment (Neg. Dec. 02-004)
2002071149 San Diego County Nextel Communications - Old Castle Telecommunications Facility, ZAP 01-105, Log No. 01-02-039
2002089002 Fish & Game #2 Estey Estate Subdivision
2002071153 City of Orange Cove New Community Park Project
2002071150 Los Angeles County Big Pine Ditch Water Supply
2002078469 State Water Resources Control Board Petition of Change Place of Use for Permitted Applications to Appropriate Water
2002088001 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Pioneer Bridge Drainage Improvements
2002078470 Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) Removal and Replacement of Portable Classrooms at Fred L. Newhard Middle School
2002071151 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach
2002088002 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Sacramento River Bank Protection Project-Butte Slough Overflow Channel-Tree Procurement (11 trees)
2002071148 San Diego County Gamboni Ranch Residential Tentative Map
2002061089 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Bucher 1
2002072115 City of Truckee Gray's Crossing - Specific Plan and Tentative Map