Thursday, August 17, 2000
- Received Date
- 2000-08-17
- Edit Search
41 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2000052127 | NOD | Alameda County | Tentative Map, Tract Map, TR 7185, Marc Crawford 24462 & 24506 Fairview Avenue, eastside unicorporated | |
1999062068 | NOD | Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) | West Point Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project | |
2000088212 | NOE | California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) | Bookstore Addition | |
2000081083 | NEG | Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) | Public School Site #2 (Grades K-8) of the Ladera Planned Community | |
2000081082 | NEG | Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) | Public School Site #3 (Grades K-5) of the Ladera Planned Community | |
2000082085 | NEG | City of Capitola | Tringali | |
2000082084 | NOP | El Dorado Irrigation District | Motherlode Forcemain Replacement Project | |
2000081062 | NEG | City of Encinitas | Downtown Encinitas Streetscape | |
2000081066 | NEG | City of Escondido | Escondido Police Firing Range Master Plan-Case 97-02-ER, 99-55-PZ/CUP, 99-07-AN, 99-11-VRP | |
2000082079 | NEG | City of Fremont | Trumark Commercial | |
2000089048 | NOD | City of Fremont | Star / Gable Associates - (Alta Vista Fremont) | |
2000088215 | NOE | Hamilton Union Elementary School District | Increase of Developer Fees from $1.84 to $1.93 residential and from $.30 to $.31 commercial | |
2000082088 | NEG | City of Ione | Quail Oaks Tentative Subdivision Map | |
2000031070 | EIR | Port of Long Beach | Carnival Cruise Terminal | |
1991111006 | OTH | Los Angeles County | Transit Mix Mining and Reclamation Plan | |
2000082083 | NEG | Marin County | LaFranchi Quarry Master Plan Waiver, Use Permit, & Design Review Exemption | |
2000088218 | NOE | California Department of Health Care Services, Mental Health Services Division (MHSD, DHCS) | Lease of Existing Office Space | |
2000082080 | NEG | Merced County | Oakdale Bridge Project at the Merced River | |
2000088205 | NOE | Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority | Liberty Canyon Wildlife Corridor- Farlow Easement Exchange | |
2000088199 | NOE | Oakland Unified School District | Woodland Elementary School (Reconstruction) | |
2000062152 | NOD | City of Palo Alto | City of Palo Alto Water Vault | |
2000088203 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Canyon Loop Trail Bridges | |
2000088202 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Tour Bus parking and Fueling Station | |
2000061080 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Point Dume Natural Preserve Site Improvements | |
2000088201 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Utility Easement | |
2000081068 | NOP | City of Paso Robles | Woodruff General Plan Amendment | |
2000082087 | NEG | Purissima Hills Water District | Emergency Water Supply Well - Los Altos Hills Town Hall Site | |
2000088229 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Waste Discharge Requirements for Southtown, Inc, | |
2000088227 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES Permit for Atlantic Richfield Company Long Beach Marine Termial 1 Berth 121 (NPDES No. CA0059285) | |
2000088234 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES permit for Camrosa Water District, Camrosa Water Reclamation Facility (NPDES No. CA0059501) | |
2000088228 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES Permit GATX Tank Storage Terminals Corporation-Carson Terminal( NPDES No. CA0056863) | |
2000088231 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Waste Discharge Requirements for Los Angeles County Internal Services Department Forester and Fire Warden Camp 13 (File No. 61-108)(Order No. 00-110) | |
2000088232 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) | Waste Discharge Requriements and NPDES Permit for Equilon Enterprises LLc Mormon Island Terminal (NPDES No. CA003557) | |
2000081063 | NEG | San Bernardino County | K-1 Pit Reclamation Plan | |
1995071099 | NOD | City of San Diego | SAA # 5-087-00 | |
2000081067 | NEG | City of Santa Maria | Fortress Secure Mini-Storage | |
2000088200 | NOE | Sebastopol Union School District | Brook Haven Elementary School | |
2000082081 | CON | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. 2000-18-Ann Beekman | |
2000082082 | NEG | Tehama County | Rezone #00-11, PC Resolution #00-02 | |
2000088217 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Approval of an Interim Remedial Measures Work Plan for Tyco Electronics Corporation (Formerly Raychem Corporation) | |
2000081064 | NEG | City of Vista | Hacienda Gateway |