SCH Number 2018122046
Project Info
- Title
- Mattole Headwaters Flow Enhancement Project
- Description
- Note: Review Per Lead This project will address impacts of past land management, climate change and drought in the Mattole River at a scale needed to restore summertime stream flows in the headwaters. Since 1999 a pattern of low summertime flows in the Mattole River headwaters has caused the river to dry up in some reaches, leaving disconnected pools and poor water quality in the remaining reaches. This prolonged-dry season low-flow pattern has had devastating impacts on the already threatened native salmon populations in the Mattole, for which the headwaters are the most critical spawning and rearing grounds. While measurable streamflow improvements have been made through the successful storage and forbearance program, restoration of ground and surface water hydrology is also needed to achieve drought resilience. Several of the fish-bearing tributaries in the Mattole headwaters that experience extreme low to no flows do not have any human development or diversions of any kind and therefore addressing land use impacts is the only strategy available for improving flows. To address the situation, Sanctuary Forest Inc. is planning to conduct a flow enhancement/restoration project in the Mattole River headwaters (project). The project objectives include improved groundwater recharge/storage and enhanced summer streamflow along with increased riparian vegetation and associated fish and wildlife benefits in the upper Mattole River and its tributaries. The project has been designed to increase the streambed elevation and promote the formation of complex meandering stream and wetlands. Note: See MND for full project description.
6 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Humboldt County | South Fork Lost River Flow and Habitat Enhancement Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN-40403 -R1C) | |
NOD | Humboldt County | McMurray Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-HUM-38252 -R1C) | |
NOD | Mendocino County | North Fork Lost Creek Flow and Habitat Enhancement Project or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-MEN-27927-R1C | |
NOD | Humboldt County | Mattole Headwaters Flow Enhancement Project | |
NOD | Humboldt County | Mattole Headwaters Flow Enhancement Project | |
MND | Humboldt County | Mattole Headwaters Flow Enhancement Project |