SCH Number 2008121074

Project Info

Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures
Construct, install, operate, monitor and maintain 3.5 square miles of moat and row dust control measures. A moat and row element is composed of a berm (row) 5-feet high with 1.5 to 1 sloping sides and a base 19 feet wide, an access road on both sides of the row up to 15 feet wide, flanked on either side by ditches (moats) 4 to 5.5 feet deep and up to 20 feet wide. The moat and row elements will be oriented perpendicular with the primary and secondary wind directions and serve as wind breaks. A portion of the rows will have a five foot high sand fence placed on top of them. Moat and row elements will disturb up to 33 percent of the 3.5 square miles. The State Lands Commission action is the amendment of Lease No. PRC 8079.9, a General Lease - Public Agency Use, to include the placement of above-grade sprinkler systems in the Sand Fence Area T1A-1.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures Supplemental EIR
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Project (SAA 1600-2009-0039-R6)
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Project (SAA 1600-2009-0039-R6)
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures
City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Revised Moat and Row Dust Control Measures