SCH Number 2008032062

Project Info

California WaterFix Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS
DWR, acting as lead agency under CEQA, certified an FEIR, adopted Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and filed a Notice of Determination of July 21, 2017 for CA WaterFix, Alternative 4A. On January 23, 2018, an Addendum to the certified FEIR was prepared by DWR and filed with the State Clearinghouse. The modification to the CA WaterFix centered on refinements to the transmission line corridors proposed by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. DWR determined that these refinements did not result in new significant impacts beyond what was already examined in the certified FEIR or that the significant impacts previously analyzed were more severe with the modifications proposed. An NOD was filed on January 23, 2018. The Delta Conveyance Finance Authority (Finance Authority) would facilitate through different actions the financing of CA WaterFix design and construction. As a public agency organized pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (California Government Code Section 6500, et seq.), the Finance Authority is a special, single-purpose public agency consisting of certain public water agency members. Pursuant to a July 3, 2018 joint powers agreement among its members, the Finance Authority will be to serve as an issuer of bonds for the benefit of its members in implementing the CA WaterFix.
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15 documents in project

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