SCH Number 2007032138

Project Info

San Joaquin Pipeline System Project EIR
This proposed project involves construction of one new pipeline segment, approximately 6.5 miles with ancillary components including construction of a new valve house, site improvements at Oakdale Portal, a tie-in vault, construction of a throttling station, and upgrades to valves at Cashman Creek. Construction will use existing access roads, creation of an access road and a spur road, widen two cattle guards, temporary stockpiling of soils, and three temporary construction easement (TCE) staging areas within the ROW and two TCE staging areas outside of the Joaquin Pipeline System right-of-way. The Project will result in permanent impacts to 0.74 acres of California tiger salamander grassland refugia habitat, and 107.89 acres of temporary and semi-permanent impacts to CTS refugia habitat. The Project is expected to result in incidental take of CTS, which is designated as a threatened species under CESA. The ITP referenced above as issued by CDFW authorizes incidental take of species listed under CESA that may occur as a result of Project implementation. Minor Amendment No. 1 extends the expiration date of the ITP and modifies the Project Description to include the additional covered activities at Cashman Creek consisting of replacing 65 feet of 56-inch diameter corroded pipeline along the SJPL No. 1 and the replacement of the concrete blow-off housing box. The Amendment does not increase the temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent upland refugia habitat impacts as contemplated in the ITP and will result in no additional impacts to CTS.
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10 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline No. 4 - Eastern Segment (California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2011-061-03 (ITP) Minor Amendment No. 1)
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline No. 4 - Eastern Segment
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline No. 4 - Eastern Segment
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline (SJPL) System Project (Pipeline No. 4 - Western Segment)
City and County of San Francisco Case No. 2007.0118E - San Joaquin Pipeline System Project
City and County of San Francisco Case No. 2007.0118E - San Joaquin Pipeline System Project
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline System Project EIR
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline System Project EIR
City and County of San Francisco San Joaquin Pipeline System Project EIR
City and County of San Francisco Case No. 2007.0118E - San Joaquin Pipeline System Project